
66yo German man admits to CASTRATING men on his kitchen table, denies murder charges & tells court ‘procedures’ were voluntary — RT World News

A German man is being tried for murder and for mangling the genitals of several other men during illicit medical procedures in his own home, insisting the operations were voluntary and denying blame for the death of one ‘patient.’

The 66-year-old electrician, who has not been publicly identified, told a Munich court on Thursday that while he did perform the crude surgeries, he did so at the men’s request, the Associated Press reported. He admitted that he had castrated eight male genitals between 2018-2020, and claimed no responsibility for one person’s death, which occurred days after one of his amateur operations. also available
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The defendant claims that he originally began offering sexual services through BDSM websites to earn money and pay off debts, and that the bizarre surgeries stemmed from those ‘services.’ He performed the operations on his kitchen table at his home in the town of Markt Schwaben, and told the men he was a legitimate medical professional, according to DPA, a German newswire

One of the procedures resulted in the death of a man. His remains were found in an attic. “box”According to the AP, the police found the box three weeks after his death.

The 66-year-old was charged for the man’s murder by omission – accused of failing to call for help after mutilating him – as well as for inflicting serious and dangerous bodily harm onto others. The 66-year-old was first tried in court on Thursday. also available
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