6 Simple Ways To Make Transcribing Easy

Most experts advise that in a digital world full of attention-grabbing content, video is our savior. By far, more people get attracted to clicking and viewing a video than they do to reading a 1000-word blog post. The generation today needs answers, and they need them quickly! Instant gratification is a deciding factor, and so, businesses must do whatever it takes to capture the attention of their audience.
But while we talk about videos being an essential feature of your digital content, how do you get your videos to rate above blogs? Search engines index links based on the worded content they analyze for factors such as being appropriate, having the right keywords, etc. However, in a video, that is not possible. Search engines cannot go through audio content, which may affect search engine results for your videos. Therefore, transcribing your videos is a must if you wish to make them a significant part of your digital marketing strategy.
Transcribing is the act of turning your AV content into written form. It is used for various reasons, such as a digital marketing tactic, a research tool to transcribe interviews, etc. Here we have six tips to quickly transcribe your videos without too much worry along the way:
- Hire a transcribing expert:
Outsourcing the task is by far the easiest option for obvious reasons! If you are a business looking to transcribe your videos, then hire an expert! Numerous professionals are offering their transcribing services nowadays. You can employ a transcribing expert to work in-house for you or hire the services of a freelancer. Transcribing is a task that people usually take up as freelance work. You should look into current transcribing rates, assess the skills you require, and decide on a resource that suits your preferences and needs.
- Own the right equipment:
If you are a transcribing professional, know that owning the right equipment is imperative to this job. For a start, getting a foot pedal may smooth a lot of things out for you. Foot pedals are a remarkable tool for transcribing professionals. It allows you to use your foot to play, record, adjust volumes, etc., and frees your hands for better, more productive tasks. It also speeds up your work as it allows you to play/pause with your foot instead of doing everything with your hands.
Transcribing is, at times, a lengthy job. You may usually require hours to turn a 1-hour AV clip into written content. And this means the more you do the job quickly, the better for you. Additionally, making use of good transcribing software is a smart choice to make. You can buy ones that have the most appropriate features that suit your transcribing needs.
- Sitting in a quiet and relaxed environment:
You cannot possibly transcribe accurately and quickly with a house full of people talking around you. Nor while sitting in a roadside café with the traffic blasting through your ears. The job requires listening to AV clips and accurately typing out every (well, mostly) word they contain. It entails lots of focus and presence of mind to get this job done right. And without adequate focus and concentration, you can mess-up, and lengthen the process unnecessarily.
Therefore, we advise you to designate a quiet and comfy place somewhere in your office or house to use for your transcribing work. Also, remember that transcribing is extensive and may take up hours at times! It is best to get a desk and chair that you find comfortable to avoid awkward sitting postures and spraining necks.
- Do not haste through the work:
Transcribing is a drawn-out process. It can easily take up an expert more than 4 hours to transcribe a one-hour snippet, which brings us to our next transcribing tip! Allowing sufficient time for your transcribing projects is key to getting it all right. You may believe that rushing through your task will save you time. However, when we rush, we often waste more time than we would have if we had not panicked through the work initially. Haste makes waste, they say. You end up making useless blunders, which in turn consume more precious time than saving it!
Also, remember to take a break in between. Our minds quickly get exhausted when we work for long hours without any gaps. And this means you need to take a pause and relax before you get back to work again.
- Make the most of an autocorrect tool:
Autocorrect can sometimes be a hassle when texting. It can switch words to that which remotely make sense and completely change the phrase’s meaning. However, when it comes to transcribing, autocorrect can become your best buffy. We mean, buddy!
Instead of going back and correcting every spelling mistake or slip up, you can allow the autocorrect software to do the job for you. It will save you time and shift your focus to more productive things such as the recording you need to transcribe.
- Review the audio quality before starting work:
When you receive a task from your supervisor or client, it is best to review the audio quality before committing to the job. It would also be best to listen to the audio at intervals to know whether the quality is consistent throughout the video. Having the right sound quality is imperative for accurate transcribing. If the sound is terrible, you may not hear the audio correctly. There could also be missed spots during the recording that you cannot transcribe. And this is why it is best to review the sound quality before you take up the task to avoid any hassle later.
With the increasing demand for AV content, transcribing has become an essential tool in a digital marketing strategy. It helps businesses turn audio and video content into a written form. Since search engines index your webpage after analyzing written content, you must give these search engines written material to evaluate your weblink. Otherwise, your video content may lose search engine rankings. Transcribing, even though lengthy, is a simple process. If you keep in mind some of the ways we have mentioned above, your transcribing journey will become trouble-free!