5 Tips for Planning Your Optical Displays

Companies and retailers that sell any product or service must market creatively to consumers. This means making connections in ways that are both apparent and not apparent. It doesn’t matter whether a shopper is purchasing in a physical location or online. The way that optical displays are designed and positioned matters a lot. This engagement is what can lead to increased sales because of the strength of the marketing approach.
Inc.com reports that 95% of shoppers’ purchase decisions are made subconsciously. This takes place when marketers capture the attention of consumers in visual and inspiring ways. The type of optical display, such as its shape, size, and products plays a role in this process. At the same time, these details only work effectively when proper positioning is taken advantage of.
Displays featuring sunshades, eyeglass, and even accessories need to be positioned prominently. Sometimes these areas are located near purchase areas, which include kiosks or cash registers. The brand being promoted could affect where items are displayed. Also, the type of store or retailer may make a difference as it relates to optical displays.
1 – Spark Greater Interest
Display planning should obviously include what it is that is being sold. There are specialty items that make consumers want to know and see more. Some products, however, are staples that many shoppers are already looking for. If these are new, fashionable, or on-sale, it is necessary to spark greater interest in them. Entranceways and walkways are key locations in a store to showcase these products.
2 – Meet Customer Needs
Retailers that sell a variety of different items, design stores in order to meet specific customer needs. There are segments of these stores that cater to male, female, and children products and or fashions. Displays also work in this way and have to be positioned accordingly. Along with placing these products in individual areas, it is important to also present last-minute purchase opportunities, as well.
3 – Differ from Competitors
Stores that sell one type of product or service have to differentiate themselves from competitors. A part of this process is to highlight the benefits of your product. Why is it better? Why is it more affordable? These types of details could make sales easier, especially for products that already have brand awareness benefits. New products require displays that provide shoppers with visual aids and information that shows why they are better.
4 – Showcase Quality
One of the main reasons that displays have been successful over the years is their design. These optical displays allow shoppers to not only see products for themselves. They get to touch them and to confirm their design quality. This is a strong selling point for eyeglasses, frames, sunshades, and various other items.
5 – Highlight Promotions
Most promotional products are only available to shoppers for a limited time. If these displays are positioned improperly, they may be missed altogether. Finding the most prominent position for these is essential to the sales process. There are times when placing these near similar products is the best approach. Sales locations are another option that retailers use to highlight promotional items.
According to Small Business Chron, product positioning is a critical component of any marketing plan. This also takes into consideration who your shopper is and what their needs may be. Like most things being sold, their value, quality, and accessibility are important. Optical displays allow companies and retailers to market not simply what consumers need but what they want, as well.
Sales experts like those at Eckerson Group point out that business intelligence means focusing on the activities of positioning. In fact, this source states that this activity has to be perfected in order to gain the productivity that you want in sales. The best presentation of products on optical displays cannot reach revenue objectives if they aren’t positioned effectively to connect with shoppers.