5 Tips for Choosing the Right Plastic Surgeon for You
Choosing to have plastic or cosmetic surgery is a big decision. It is a decision you live with for the rest of your life because it corrects a defect and improves your appearance and how you feel about yourself. Therefore, the plastic surgeon you choose can significantly affect the cosmetic procedure and your appearance later. The right plastic surgeon will conduct a successful procedure that gives you confidence for years to come. Also, choosing an inexperienced cosmetic surgeon increases the possibility of having unappealing results, causing heartache, additional time, and costs. Here are five tips that will help you make the right decision to prepare for a cosmetic procedure.
Choose a Board-Certified Surgeon
Ensure that the plastic surgeon you choose for the procedure has a certification from the American Board of Plastic Surgery. It is the only board that certifies cosmetic surgeons in America. Cosmetic surgeons also receive certifications from other boards like the American Board of Cosmetic Surgery, which is also an added advantage. The certification ensures that the surgeon has adhered to the highest standards of ethics, education, safety, and training. Certified cosmetic surgeons have a two-year experience of practice after residency and pass written and oral exams by ABPS. You can confirm whether or not a surgeon has been certified by checking on the board’s website.
Confirm Surgeon’s Experience
You want to choose a knowledgeable cosmetic surgery with lots of experience. Each area of cosmetic surgery needs different skills. The skills required to operate a nose are different from operating on a breast because of the complexity and tissues. Therefore, plastic surgeons specialize in different fields. You choose a plastic surgeon who specializes and is experienced in the procedures you want. Ask the surgeon the number of patients they have operated on and the specific condition. Also, ask the surgeon how frequently they perform the cosmetic procedure you want.
Choose a Surgeon with Appealing Aesthetic
What you find beautiful might not be to someone else. That is why you cannot trust people’s recommendations solely on a plastic surgeon. It is wise to analyze carefully the results for each surgeon you think of choosing. You require a surgeon who matches your aesthetic appeal. You can tell a cosmetic surgeon’s aesthetic appeal by looking at the before and after photos as you compare the results against what you want. Also, look at the patients with qualities similar to yours, like facial structure, body shape, and breast and torso shape. The consistency of the plastic surgeon should also be a factor to consider.
Ask Where Procedures are Performed
Check out the facility where the plastic surgeon plans on conducting the surgery. Ensure that the hospital meets safety standards and has the necessary life-changing equipment. Also, the facility ought to have a certification from the relevant body. A good facility should have surgical rooms with enough personnel. Some facilities offer favors to reputable and experienced surgeons, which is advantageous to you.
Know What Your Insurance Covers
Not many insurance plans cover cosmetic surgery procedures. However, some plans cover some reconstructive surgeries like severe burns or congenital disabilities. You may have to choose a surgeon who accepts insurance covers to receive most insurance benefits. It can help you avoid the costly out-of-pocket fees. Contact the surgeon’s office to verify that they accept your insurance plan.
Cosmetic surgeries are exciting, but you should take the time to choose the right surgeon for you. Choose a compassionate, caring, and empathetic plastic surgeon for successful plastic surgery. Good communication skills are essential when choosing a plastic surgeon. The above pointers will make the process of choosing a surgeon easier and less stressful. Interview several surgeons and ask questions.