
Woman on cocaine kills drunk driver on meth in Vegas crash – media

A female driver allegedly under the influence of alcohol hit another vehicle and killed the second intoxicated driver

Summer Butler, a Las Vegas resident, is charged with driving while under the influence, reckless driving and possessing a controlled substance. 8 News Now reported Tuesday, citing court records. These charges are based on a Jan crash where Butler crashed into another vehicle while she was allegedly drunk, cannabinoids, and cocaine.  

While the victim attempted to do a U turn at an intersection at which point Butler was driving at nearly twice the speed limit (73 mph), she crashed her car into it. Butler and her passenger flew out of the car, which continued for some 150 feet before coming to a halt, and all three were taken to the hospital, where Butler had to be sedated because she was “acting erratic.” 

Butler’s blood alcohol level was .102, well above the legal limit, and paramedics discovered a possible reason for her behavior when a baggie of cocaine fell out of her bra while they were tending to her injuries. The presence of cannabinoids and the drug was confirmed through blood tests.   

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Although the victim’s intoxication was not suspected at first by police, blood tests showed that they were wrong. She was driving while she had a blood alcohol content three times higher than the limit and was also taking large amounts of methamphetamine. 

Butler had previously plead guilty to DUI in Omaha in 2017. Although a warrant for Butler’s arrest was issued in June, she was allowed bail and was ordered to refrain from using alcohol or drugs. According to reports, she remains in Clark County Detention Center custody. She was never charged by police with the death.



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