WATCH Massive dust storm engulf Australian town — Analysis

Parts of Queensland were swept by a dust storm that produced winds of up to 110 km/h. Some sections of this red cloud were captured on camera.
One video has swept across social media and had many comparing the scene out of the town of Boulia, which was swallowed whole by the cloud on Sunday, to something from the post-apocalyptic ‘Mad Max’ film franchise. Boulia has only around 300 inhabitants.
Residents described the dust storm as the biggest they have seen in years to local media and said the sky turned red and relentless winds shook their homes as they sheltered in place, after a few had grabbed footage of the incoming cloud.
According to meteorologists, the unusually strong dust storm was the result of a string of thunderstorms. After the dust cloud rolling in, parts of Queensland experienced heavy rain and cold temperatures.
“Storms are disorganised things, but sometimes they’ll organise together and on Sunday they did form along a line,”Helen Kirkup from the Bureau of Meteorology spoke for Yahoo News Australia
It also swept through Urandangi, Dajarra and Mount Isla.