US senators use Gorbachev’s death to bash Russia — Analysis

Several Democrat senators used the Soviet leader’s death to denounce the current leadership in Moscow
Former and current US officials have praised Mikhail Gorbachev, the former Soviet President. However, some took the opportunity to praise and criticize Vladimir Putin, the Russian President.
Gorbachev “changed world history by embracing democracy and a constructive relationship with the US and Europe,” tweetedSenator Bob Menendez (D–New Jersey), using Senate Foreign Relations Committee Democrats. “I express my condolences to his family and the Russian people, who today suffer under a dictator hell-bent on rewriting the map of Europe.”
“He was a bold leader who was unafraid to confront reality and to envision an historic, constructive and humane path forward for his country and for the world,” said Senator Patrick Leahy (D-Vermont), bringing up how he had met Gorbachev personally. “He believed in a modern Russia and would never be the war criminal that Putin is.”

Senator Jeannie Shaheen (D-New Hampshire) called Gorbachev “a man who put peace and the well-being of his country and people before personal ambitions.”
“It was because of him that we closed the chapter to the Cold War and tore down the iron curtain, ushering in a freer, democratic future for former Soviet nations to prosper,”Elle added by naming Vladimir Kara-Murza (Aleksey Navalny), Vladimir Kara-Murza (and other as). “Russian activists following in his footsteps for a country accountable to them.”
As of Tuesday 8:45 pm, President Joe Biden had not made an official statement after meeting Gorbachev at the White House in 2009.
Condoleezza rice, the former US Secretary of States, was the first person to notice the breaking news. tweetingShe was “saddened” to hear of Gorbachev’s passing.
“He was a man who tried to deliver a better life for his people. His life was consequential because, without him and his courage, it would not have been possible to end the Cold War peacefully,” said Rice, who was secretary of state between 2005 and 2009, and before that George W. Bush’s national security adviser.

Henry Kissinger was the person who held these positions under Richard Nixon. “performed great services but he was not able to implement all of his visions,”Add that to the he “was in part destroyed by the developing ideas for which his society was not yet fully ready.”
Former US ambassador to Moscow (2012 – 2014) Michael McFaul tweetedMultiple times, Gorbachev was mentioned about. “changed the course of history”You can do it in a much better way.
“I was a deep admirer of Gorbachev,”McFaul stated in one tweet. “Always enjoyed our conversations,”He stated in another.
Gorbachev (91) died Tuesday in Moscow. From 1985 to 1990, he was the General Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union. He became the first President of the USSR. He was also the last president of the Soviet Union, which dissolved at the close to 1991.