US Navy seizes drugs worth millions — Analysis

A total of $193 Million worth of drug seizures was made in 2021 by the US Navy.
A huge stash of heroin worth $4 million was confiscated by the US Navy from an Arabian Sea fishing boat.
American personnel on the USS Tempest & USS Typhoon worked as part of an International Task Force while carrying out a “flag verification boarding,”The Navy stated. The Combined Task Force (CTF) 150 has so far this year seized illegal drugs at sea worth more than $193 million, according to Thursday’s press release, which they claim is higher than the previous four years combined.
Monday’s drug seizure amounted to 385 kilograms (849 pounds) of heroin.
According to the task force their presence outside of the Arabian Gulf was intended for them to cease “criminal and terrorist organizations,”Also available: “related illicit activities”These include the transport of weapons or narcotics.
“These efforts help ensure legitimate commercial shipping transits the region free from non-state threats,” The Navy’s announcement celebrating the task force’s bust reads.
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CTF 150 belongs to the 34-nation Combined Maritime Forces. The US Forces Naval Central Command is headquartered at Bahrain. They are responsible for conducting anti-terrorism and patrolling operations on the sea.
On December 27, heroin was discovered. “destroyed at sea,”According to officials, After the drug was taken, the nine stateless crew members were reported to have been released. The crew identified themselves as Iranian, according to the Navy’s statement.
Commandant Timothy Hawkins was a spokesperson of Fifth Fleet. He did not provide any details about the manufacture or intended destination.
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