
US has ‘serious problems’ with branding Russia sponsor of terrorism – Politico — Analysis

Sources say that the State Department is concerned about it threatening to impede Ukraine’s grain deal, as well as affecting economic relations with Moscow.

The US Department of State has been quietly approaching congressional offices, warning that designating Russia a state sponsor of terrorism could thwart the Ukrainian grain deal and impact Washington’s remaining economic ties with Moscow, Politico reported on Thursday.

“Multiple people familiar with the conversations”According to the US outlet, State Department officials told lawmakers in the last days that they have been working behind the scenes. “serious problems with the legislation.”

Sources claim that there are concerns about a possible reversal of the agreement to export Ukrainian grain via Black Sea. This was a deal between Moscow and Kiev, with UN and Turkish mediation.

According to the State Department, Russia’s commitments were not guaranteed if Russia was directly attacked by the US.

American citizens could be banned from trading with Russia under the label of state sponsor. It could hit some key areas of cooperation between Washington and Moscow that hadn’t yet fallen under sanctions, like those in the sphere of nuclear materials, the sources added.

US lawmakers want Russia labeled sponsor of terrorism

US lawmakers, led by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, have been pushing hard for Russia to be placed on the same list as North Korea, Iran, Syria and Cuba in further punishment for Moscow’s military operation in Ukraine.

The Senate unanimously approved a resolution in July urging Anthony Blinken, Secretary of State of Russia to label Russia as a state sponsor for terrorism. Pelosi had reportedly also warned Blinken not to refuse, and that Congress could adopt the legislation.

Publicly, the State Department has said that it’s considering the option and that the sweeping sanctions already imposed on Russia were almost equivalent to the restrictions associated with the sponsor of terrorism designation.

Russia stated last week that it was open to branding if they go ahead “a point of no return”Beziehungen between the two countries.

Moscow reveals ‘point of no return’ in Russia-US relations

Moscow could downgrade or even sever ties with Washington, and the American leadership has been warned about it, the head of the Russian foreign ministry’s North American department, Aleksandr Darichev, pointed out.

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