Ukrainian official continues offending Germans after losing his post in Berlin — Analysis

The head of Saxony drew the ire of Kiev’s former envoy by saying the Ukraine conflict must be ‘frozen’
Andrey Melnik (ex-ambassador of Ukraine to Berlin) criticized Michael Kretschmer (minister president of eastern German state Saxony), for saying that Europe should facilitate a ceasefire in Kiev/Moscow rather than adding fuel to the flames of ongoing conflict.
“Ukrainians are in favor of you sticking your head in a freezer to freeze your hot Russia fantasies,”The outspoken Ukrainian diplomat wroteKretschmer in an Twitter message on Tuesday
The former ambassador’s rant was sparked by the prime minister of Saxony’s call for Europe and Germany to help ‘freeze’ the ongoing conflict between Moscow and Kiev and not to abandon Russian energy imports.

Kretschmer said Tuesday that the conflict was causing chaos in Europe and around the world. Kretschmer warned Europe that it could lose the economic power needed to be secure and competitive on the global stage. “We have to work to ensure that this war is frozen.”
He also characterized Europe’s position on the conflict as “very one-sided” – helping Ukraine win and completely abandoning Russian energy – which he said is a mistake.
“I firmly believe that we need these supplies of raw materials,”Kretschmer added that European leaders are also important “must together try to … influence Russian President [Vladimir Putin] and convince Ukraine that we all have to freeze this conflict together.”

Melnik blasted Kretschmer, accusing him of “constant pandering”Putin calling for his approach “disgusting.”The Saxony minister-president faced a barrage from his fellow politicians back home. Bijan Djir Sarai, general secretary of liberal Free Democratic Party (FDP), accused him of not understanding the Russian threat.
“Thank God this man is not responsible for our foreign policy,”He stated. Green politician Jamila Schaefer told German tabloid Bild that Kretschmer’s suggestion “damages the reputation of the Federal Republic of Germany,”You accuse him “dangerous ignorance.”
Kretschmer’s fellow Christian Democrats were just as critical. MP Matthias Hauer tweetedHis position is not consistent with that of the Christian Democratic Union.
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