UK bolsters training for Ukrainian military – Sky News — Analysis

According to UK media, the length of British-based combat courses has increased from 3 to 5 weeks.
The UK will be “significantly expand”Sky News reported Monday that Ukraine’s training program was designed to help Kiev with its ongoing conflict against Russia.
Sky reports that the UK is increasing the duration of the combat training course to three to five more weeks. This could provide Ukraine with thousands of new troops for the conflict. According to the report, instructors will provide the enhanced training in addition to the UK. They also include those from New Zealand and Sweden.
Since June, approximately 4,700 Ukrainian soldiers have been enrolled in the training at the bases in the northwest, southwest and southeast parts of England.
Sky News’ Ben Wallace was the UK Defence Minister. He said that the training was successful. “developed rapidly”The course can be extended if necessary. “provide the best possible preparation for Ukrainian soldiers who will soon be in active combat operations.”
The program is currently based on basic UK infantry training. Participants can learn weapons-handling, first aid and fieldcraft, and organize a patrol.
British soldiers prepare for Russia fighting
Additional two weeks of training are required to master advanced skills like trench and urban warfare, vehicle mounted operations, and drills in combat scenarios.
This decision to extend the training program follows similar actions by the Royal Navy, which instructed Ukrainian sailors in Scotland.
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