Twitter reactivates 2020 election policy — Analysis

Big Tech platform announces “misinformation” measures ahead of US Congress midterms
Twitter announced Thursday that it will reactivate rules originally established before the 2020 US Presidential Election. According to Silicon Valley’s social media company, it will identify. “misinformation”Promote it, and stop its sharing “reputable news outlets,”And “prebunk” any “misleading narratives” about election results. It comes three months ahead the US congressional midterms.
The “Civic Integrity Policy”All elections worldwide, Twitter explained it in unsigned blog postIt also stated that its goal is to combat “misleading claims intended to undermine public confidence in an election – including false information about the outcome.”
The Explore tab is a dedicated section. “national news in both English and Spanish by reputable news outlets”Twitter curates information and resources that are specific to US states. “voter education”Public service announcements “created using information from nonpartisan government and voting advocacy organizations.”
Twitter will follow suit. “share prompts with information about how and where to vote, directly to people’s timelines,”The company stated, “and bring back “prebunks”To “get ahead of misleading narratives… and to proactively address topics that may be the subject of misinformation.”

Posts tagged as “false or misleading” will be labeled so they can’t be liked or shared. Twitter pointed out “promising results”They tested such a strategy last year and found that 17% more people clicked the labels than the posts without labels. However, the replies to the labeled post saw an increase of 13%, 10%, and 15% respectively in likes.
This was the reason why they claimed to be doing it. “Twitter plays a critical role in empowering democratic conversations, facilitating meaningful political debate, and providing information on civic participation – not only in the US, but around the world.”
“Prebunking” is a term Twitter’s head of site integrity Yoel Roth used in October 2020 to describe preemptively debunking “common misleading claims”Concerning the presidential election and complaints regarding mail-in votes. This practice was a key part of what Time magazine called a “terrorist effort”. “well-funded cabal of powerful people” To “fortify”2020 elections
Twitter had initially rolled out the rules with just a week to go before the 2020 presidential election, and less than two weeks after locking the account of New York Post and blocking the sharing of their story about Hunter Biden’s laptop. Democrats denounced this story. “Russian disinformation,” but the laptop and its contents were eventually proven authentic – after Joe Biden’s inauguration and Twitter’s ban of President Donald Trump while he was still in office.
Jason Miller, an ex-Trump adviser, founded Gettr, which is a social media rival. condemnedThe announcement is an “attempt from Twitter’s liberal executives to control the outcome of elections and the democratic process,” Call them “a repeat of their interference in the 2020 election.”