Turkey’s Erdogan considers kicking out 10 Western ambassadors over calls to release jailed opposition figure Kavala

President Recep Tayyip Erdogan reportedly believes that Turkey “can’t have the luxury of housing” envoys from 10 Western nations which are opposed to the continued detention of businessman and political campaigner Osman Kavala.
These 10 diplomats are summonedThis week, the Turkish Foreign Ministry received a joint condemnation of Kavala’s prosecution. Since late 2017 he has been fighting against several charges that his supporters consider to be political motivated. Reps of New Zealand, USA, Germany, Denmark and Finland signed the statement.
Osmankavala was detained since 2004. His ongoing case has cast a shadow over democracy and rule of law in Turkey.Today, the United States together with ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????call for his release! Our full statement is here https://t.co/fCs5Lk5BCWpic.twitter.com/eyOq1loSM3
— U.S. Embassy Turkey (@USEmbassyTurkey) October 18, 2021
Turkish media reported that Erdogan expressed his anger with foreign representatives on a flight from Africa.
“I told our foreign minister: We can’t have the luxury of hosting this lot in our country. You think Turkey should learn from you? What do you consider yourself to be?Erdogan was quoted to have said these words.
The president added that Western nations didn’t hesitate to prosecute “bandits, murderers, and terrorists”They should allow Turkey to do the same on their soil. He denied that Kavala’s prosecution cast any shadow. “respect for democracy, the rule of law, and transparency in the Turkish judiciary system.”
The statement was released to mark the fourth anniversary of Kavala’s first arrest. He was found not guilty of two charges, one related to protests at Gezi Park in Turkey 2013 and another for the failed coup d’etat 2016. New charges were brought against the man, and orders for his release were canceled.
His critics, including the Turkish president, call him an agent of global NGO financier George Soros, allegedly enacting the billionaire’s sinister plans to meddle in Turkish affairs. Kavala was a board member of the now-defunct Turkish branch of Soros’ Open Society Foundation.
Kavala supporters say he is a political prisoner who is being persecuted by Erdogan for supporting human rights and challenging Erdogan’s increasing authoritarian rule. Last year, the European Court of Human Rights declared that it found insufficient evidence to support Kavala’s conviction and called upon Turkey’s judiciary for his release.
Turkish officials responded to the envoys’ statement with anger. Justice Minister Abdulhamit Gul claimed that “no ambassador can give advice to our courts or tell them to do anything.”According to the Foreign Ministry, diplomats are advised to adhere to the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations.
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