
Top 4 Things That Make TMJ Worse

Whether you’re dealing with mild discomfort or severe pain and jaw locking from temporomandibular joint disorder (TMJ), avoiding things that make tmj worse is essential for effective management and minimizing flare-ups.

The temporomandibular joint (TMJ) connects your jaw to your skull, facilitating everyday activities like eating, drinking, and talking. A small disc within this joint helps the bones move smoothly. However, the disc can become displaced in TMJ disorder, resulting in clicking or popping sounds, limited jaw movement, and discomfort. The surrounding muscles may also become sore or go into spasms. Any action that strains or overworks this joint can exacerbate these symptoms.

The Top 4 DO NOT DO THIS Temporomandibular Joint Disorder Tips

  1. Avoid Gum and Hard Foods at All Costs – When you’re experiencing TMJ-related jaw pain, avoiding hard or chewy foods, such as apples, bagels, and candy, is crucial. Gum and sticky foods can also strain the joint, preventing it from getting the rest it needs to heal. Opt for softer foods that are easier on your jaw to avoid aggravating the condition.
  2. DO NOT SLOUCH! – Did you know that your posture directly affects how your jaw functions? The TMJ works best when your head aligns with your cervical spine, and you maintain an upright posture. Slouching can alter how your jaw muscles work, affecting how your jaw opens and closes. Many physical therapists recommend posture improvement as part of TMJ disorder treatment, including strengthening your back and shoulder muscles. Regularly practicing posture correction exercises and reminding yourself to sit or stand tall can help keep your jaw functioning correctly.
  3. Don’t Clench the Teefers! – Teeth clenching, known as bruxism, is another major issue for those with TMJ disorder. Clenching, which can happen both during the day and while sleeping, places significant stress on the muscles of the jaw. Bruxism is often linked to stress, so finding ways to manage your stress levels can be beneficial. Dentists may also recommend wearing a mouth guard while you sleep to help reduce excessive clenching.
  4. Quit Waiting for it to Stop – Many people with joint or muscle pain choose to wait, hoping their symptoms will go away on their own. While TMJ disorder can sometimes resolve without intervention, it’s essential not to delay seeking treatment. Since the TMJ is the most frequently used joint in the body, ignoring issues could prolong your discomfort. Conservative treatments for TMJ disorder, such as physical therapy, have a high success rate, so it’s a good idea to see a healthcare professional if you suspect TMJ problems. A physical therapist can help you with exercises and strategies to manage your condition and improve your quality of life.

How to Stop

To help relieve TMJ pain:

  • Try to limit broad jaw movements like chewing, yawning, singing, or yelling.
  • Focus on keeping your jaw muscles as relaxed as possible.
  • Lie on your back and use pillows to support your neck when sleeping.
  • Avoid sleeping on your stomach; if you sleep on your side, be sure not to rest your hand on your jaw.

Stress and anxiety are the leading causes of TMJ issues. Incorporate meditation to help relax your jaw and ease tension. Yoga can also help reduce muscle strain, and activities like gardening can calm your mind and help relax your facial muscles.

Savannah Dental Solutions is a top name among dentists in the Savannah area, known for focusing on the dental needs of clients of all ages. Conveniently located in the Medical Arts Center, their range of services is unrivaled in Chatham County.

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