TIME and Climate’s New Era
t TIME, we’re proud of our long-standing dedication to sustainability, from organizing one of the world’s first major climate-change conferences more than three decades ago to informing readers with stories like the package in this week’s issue. It includes an essay by senior correspondent Justin Worland on “Climate’s New Era” that powerfully captures this moment of transition, a time of historic investment in green energy coupled with increasingly horrific extreme weather events.
We’re committed to doing more and are excited to announce a new division of our company focused on the planet. Called CO2.com, it’s aimed at helping guide businesses of all sizes in becoming net zero—the point at which the greenhouse gases we put into the atmosphere are equal to the amount we remove from it—and nature-positive, without relying on low-quality offsets.
CO2.com, led by Simon Mulcahy, who also serves as TIME’s president of sustainability, offers climate-action portfolios that support high-quality CO2 removal and reduction, and the protection of important carbon sinks, all while benefiting nature and communities. A learning hub will be available to provide guidance about how to make nature zero and positive.
“CO2.com aims to provide a world-class trusted service that guides its customers to go beyond offsetting to do the right thing for the planet,” says Simon. Find out more at CO2.com.
TIME itself will be CO2’s first customer. Not only will we continue to cover climate leadership, but also to work with CO2.com to achieve net zero by 2026.
One step we’ve already taken is to use only responsibly sourced timber for the paper for the magazine, as defined by the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) and Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification (PEFC). We’re also focused on reducing our real estate and travel emissions, and on transitioning to 100% renewable energy.
TIME has been a reliable guide throughout history. We are thrilled to play a larger role with CO2.com in making sure that the future is bright. We’ll keep you posted over the coming months as we report our own journey.
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