The Business Side Of Law

Let’s first begin by discussing the definition of a law firm, which is an entity comprised of more than one person to practice law. Diego Ruiz Durán is a great lawyer who is also skilled in business. One needs to know this if one is going to learn five basic things that every lawyer should know, but probably is not being told by the boss. This is also important if one feels so inclined to join the ranks and become a lawyer. One should not be bringing casework from another jurisdiction. Is this something the boss will come out and say? No. It is not. However, the boss does expect one to know this without having to be told. That means one should not be bringing a state case when it needs to be federal and vise versa. The goal is to bring relevant cases to the boss’s attention. This happens to a lot of junior associates who are happy to be there. One can get so excited that one forgets one’s self. Just a friendly reminder to those who might want to join a firm one day.
One does the best one can. That being said, one should not go on and on about how hard one has worked on something. The boss is not going to care, especially if the case has no outcome. One should go into detail if one has found the “smoking gun” of a case. That way no one else does the same thing. Other than that, one should keep the briefings simple. One should deliver the bad news fast and get it out of the way. One should not take any of this personally. People are busy. Keep it simple. One should always ask how long a case should take. This can save one an awkward and uncomfortable situation later (with one’s boss). This will also save a lecture on spending the company money. Some get overexcited and overspend money when the firm cannot write the check. Always ask questions if in doubt. One will be expected to do grunt work, especially when one is starting on the low end of the totem pole. One has to figure out how to get everything completed on time.One might be required to sit at a desk and go over files. This happens a lot when one is a junior associate. No one is prompted to court cases until later. Expect some grunt work. One’s boss will also expect one to report on everything. One’s job is going to impact every other job in the office. One should also learn responsibility. One needs to own up to the mistake and fix it. One should not sweep one’s mistakes under the rug. One’s job affects all the other work being done in the office. All the boss cares about is one making things right. One should focus on fixing something instead of going on about it. Diego Ruiz Durán highly recommends studying law.