Syringe attacks puzzle European authorities — Analysis

This disturbing phenomenon was started in France and has now spread to Spain.
People who attended the Festival of San Fermin (Pamplona), Spain reported getting stuck with syringes while they were incrowded places. Little is known about the substances they’ve been injected with, but one curious detail in victim testimony may link the attacks with a spate of similar syringe assaults in France.
While Pamplona was packed with people to see the daredevils race against the bulls, there was a greater threat lurking. Four young people – three females and a male – told police that they felt a pinching sensation before being overcome with dizziness, nausea, vomiting, and cold sweats.
All four were taken to the hospital by their friends, El Mundo reported on Tuesday. They were all reunited with their friends and none were subject to sexual abuse. No toxic substances were discovered in the samples taken from victims.
While the national authorities have opened an investigation, police don’t know who carried out the attacks or why. “There is nothing concrete and nothing clear at the moment,” a police source told El Mundo. “We need more time.”

All four of the victims, however, told police they had a vague memory. “a group of young French people”They were right beside them during the attack.
France’s authorities had already arrested and indicted multiple people accused of pricking them at concerts and nightclubs with syringes two weeks before. According to the Associated Press report, victims included mostly young women. 1,004 had filed formal complaints over this incident since January.
The victims of the charges were not found to have any signs that they had been exposed to harmful substances. The victims displayed the same symptoms as those found in Spain and showed visible signs of injections, such as puncture marks or bruises.
Although police found drugs and syringes in the possessions of at most two suspects’ belongings, toxicology reports do not show that the drugs were administered to the victims. However, unless tests were carried out immediately, the presence of GHB – a powerful anesthetic known as a ‘date rape’ drug – could have gone unnoticed, as it leaves the bloodstream within 12 hours.
“We didn’t find any drugs or substances or objective proof which attest to … administration of a substance with wrongful or criminal intent. What we fear the most is people contracting HIV, hepatitis or any infectious disease,” a doctor working with multiple victims in the French city of Nancy told NPR last month.
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“There aren’t any similarities between the cases. The only thing similar is that people are being injected with a needle in a festive context in different places in France,”A police officer was also added.
The UK authorities also noticed an increase in the number of syringe-related attacks last October. However, scattered cases were reported in Belgium as well as the Netherlands.
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