Stockholm has so far taken no ‘tangible’ action to address Ankara’s concerns, Turkey says
Problems of terrorism should be addressed by the Swedish government “fundamental importance”Ankara announced Saturday that Turkey would reach an agreement about its NATO membership request. This news comes after a telephone conversation between Recep Tayyip Turkey’s President and Magdalena Andersson, the Swedish Prime Minister.
Stockholm ought “change its attitude” towards the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK), which Turkey and many Western nations consider a terrorist organization, the Turkish president’s office said in a statement. Stockholm has so far not taken any. “tangible action” to alleviate Ankara’s concerns in this regard, it added.
Other issues preventing the two sides from reaching an agreement are Sweden’s arms embargo, and restrictions imposed on the Turkish defense industry. Ankara has asked Stockholm to accept the offer. “binding commitments”These are the things that matter most. “clear implementation” mechanisms.
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NATO chief ‘cannot guarantee’ membership for Finland and Sweden
Andersson called Erdogan to describe the telephone call. “good conversation”Twitter, however, provided no details on the conversation.
In a separate conversation on Saturday, the Turkish leader also addressed Sweden and Finland’s membership bids with NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg. The Turkish side claims that Erdogan told Stoltenberg about his concerns over the possibility of Sweden and Finland being admitted.
The two Nordic nations applied to join the US-led military alliance in May, voicing concerns over their security amid Russia’s military operation in Ukraine. Turkey opposed the decision and demanded Finland & Sweden to stop supporting PKK members.
Stoltenberg acknowledged Thursday that he couldn’t. “guarantee” the two nations’ membership but said that was his goal. He also acknowledged Turkey’s importance as a NATO member while stating that Turkey should be addressed.