South Korean rocket launch to deploy dummy satellite in orbit is unsuccessful — RT World News
South Korea’s mission to place a test payload into orbit with its first spacecraft, the Korea Space Launch Vehicle II, failed on Thursday.
Though the rocket was launched successfully on Thursday evening, achieving an altitude of 700km, the deployment of the payload – a dummy satellite – into orbit was not successful.
“Unfortunately, we did not fully reach our goal,”Moon Jae-in, President of the Moon Jaes-in stated following the launch that the effort to bring a halt to the exploitation of the uranium reserves was unsuccessful. “dummy satellite into orbit remains an unfinished mission.”
Moon assured South Koreans that, despite the fact that they had to abandon their mission “fell short of achieving its goals perfectly,”This country “achieved very good feats with our first launch.”
“Countries that lead in space technology will lead the future, and we are not too late to do it,”Before concluding, he said, “The ‘Korea Space Age’ is approaching.”
In May, the Korea Aerospace Research Institute will attempt a second deployment of the payload.
South Korea has a less developed space program than some of its neighbors in Asia, including China, which is currently operating a manned space station in Earth’s orbit. North Korea is home to its own national space program. The National Aerospace Development Administration (NADA) was created in 2013. is also available
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