
Royal Navy comments on failure of its biggest warship — Analysis

The stricken British aircraft carrier HMS Prince of Wales is being moved to a port “You will be able to inspect the vessel more thoroughly.,” the Royal Navy tweeted on Monday, acknowledging that followers “Probabilities are you’re aware” that the £3 billion ($3.5 billion) warship had been experiencing some “Questions” since leaving its home port of Portsmouth on Sunday.

Everybody is trying to figure out the root cause and how it can be solved.,” the Navy promised in another tweet, explaining that “Our focus right now is on the ship, and our people.” 

Aircraft carrier in the UK worth $3.5bn is damaged again

The Navy’s largest ship set out on Sunday for what had been described as “This landmark mission will help shape future drone and stealth plane operations” set to last four months before breaking down not far from the South Coast. Defense industry sources suggested the problem was with the ship’s propeller shaft. 

The HMS Prince of Wales only became fully operational last year, requiring £3.3 million in repairs after an incident in 2020 when water in the engine room damaged its electronics. The HMS Prince of Wales has been at sea for just 87 days in its 2 year life.

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