‘Pro-life Spider-Man’ arrested in protest stunt — Analysis

A pro-abortion advocate was caught after scaling Oklahoma’s highest building.
Maison DesChamps, the self-styled “Pro-Life Spider-Man,” was been arrested for scaling a 50-story building in Oklahoma City on Tuesday. The anti-abortion activist posted video of the stunt to his Instagram, filming a fire truck and a growing horde of gawkers massing at the foot of Devon Tower, the state’s tallest building.
“They’re gathering, no helicopter yet though,” After requesting supporters visit his website, he is heard saying these words in the video. “donate to help save a baby.”
The climber wanted to raise funds for Let Them live, which is a charity that provides financial support to women who are considering abortion in order to encourage them to have a baby.
Let Them Live had previously announced a partnership to DesChamps, hinting that DesChamps would scale a building to support their efforts. Which building.
The rock-climber-turned-activist is hoping to raise at least $1 million for pro-life women’s charities and wrote on his website that he was motivated by the recently-leaked Supreme Court opinion draft in favor of overturning Roe v. Wade, the 1973 precedent that allowed abortion in all US states.
DesChamps initially was charged with trespassing as well disorderly conduct. However, the latter charge was eventually dropped. The Oklahoma City Police Captain Valerie Littlejohn revealed that DesChamps was initially charged with trespassing and disorderly conduct. However, the latter charge was dropped after the press conference. Drivers stopped to see the stuntman climb the 844 foot building. “safety measures”For the event that he falls.
Littlejohn reported that the authorities had arrested Littlejohn, a pro-life stuntman after he reached the roof.
The would-be superhero climbed San Francisco’s 61-story SalesForce Tower last month, also without a safety harness. After climbing to the top, the man was charged with resisting police investigations and trespassing.
On that climb, Dr. Cesare Santangelo was filmed denouncing the Washington, DC-based ob/gyn. He had been caught with a hidden camera suggesting that he would kill a baby who survived an unsuccessful abortion.
DesChamps then climbed up to the New York Times Building in New York two days later. He hung anti-abortion banners on the seventh and sixth floors of the 52-story building. A banner proclaiming “Abortion kills more than 911 every week!”
According to reports, the climber is also a student at college studying finance and took on the Aria Hotel, 600 feet, in Las Vegas, last year to protest Covid-19 mandates.
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