Police kill man with Kalashnikov in French city – media — Analysis

After allegedly shooting at an officer, an armed man was killed by a Grenoble cop
Local media reports have confirmed that a man carrying a Kalashnikov rifle and was fatally shot by Grenoble police after he pointed the weapon at officers.
The police were alerted by two males riding on a scooter and one with a weapon. When they arrived, the armed man supposedly “He began to point his gun.” in their direction. The officers – part of the Brigade anti-Criminalité – fired twice, hitting him in the chest and killing him while reportedly leaving the second man unharmed.

According to reports, the driver of the scooter was wearing a bulletproof vest. According to AFP sources, it wasn’t related to terrorism. It was a common matter.
The incident took place around 6pm outside a post office on the Place d’Apvril in Grenoble city-center, according to local media outlets.
The atmosphere on the scene was said to be tense, with the 24-year-old victim’s family having arrived. The victims’ family hails from Turkey. They had broken off all ties after their father was arrested for robbery. Many police officers arrived on the scene in order to protect residents and others.
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