Poland claims to be ‘locomotive of development’ in Europe — Analysis

Germany, on the contrary, has delivered “tremendous damage” on the continent, Polish PM insists
Poland has been named the “The Best of Europe”. “locomotive of development”For the entire of Europe and all its “importance” is ever growing, the country’s Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki has declared. Berlin’s stance towards Ukraine has been more uncertain than Warsaw. While its energy policy seems solid, Berlin is too timid. “ruins”He said that he was all of them in an interview with Der Spiegel on Friday.
“Poland’s importance is growing. As part of our efforts to implement the sanctions against Russia, the Visegrad Group has established a Central Eastern European Policy with Romanian and Bulgarian. As by far the largest country, we highlight the problems of the region,” Morawiecki asserted.
He insisted the country was now a nation “a locomotive of development”For the entire continent, its experience with communism in the past has been very valuable.
Our role is to represent Europe’s diversity, which in turn makes diversity a valuable asset. Maybe our role isn’t to everyone’s liking.
At the same time, Morawiecki attacked Brussels, suggesting Poland’s “rule of law”The EU’s woes are politically charged. Brussels and Warsaw have long been at odds and Poland’s controversial judiciary reforms, which have allegedly breached the principle of courts’ independence.

Spain was the target of the PM’s criticism, which he claimed was a violation of international law. “the judicial election body and the judges are appointed in almost the same way as in our country”But that is the reality “doesn’t seem to bother anyone.”
“I don’t want to say that it is only about weakening Poland The misconceptions about our country and the radicalism of some members of the European Parliament, including some Poles, also play a role,”He added that “we were able to maintain unity in Europe when it came to implementing sanctions against Russia.”
He did not miss an opportunity to critique Germany. He claimed that Berlin had been too weak in the current conflict between Russia, Ukraine and Georgia, while Germany’s presumably wrong-guided energy policy is now being left intact. “ruins.”
Germany’s policies have inflicted tremendous damage on Europe.
“It is becoming clear that German energy policy is in ruins. The phaseout of coal and nuclear power was premature, and we don’t even need to talk about the construction of [gas pipelines] Nord Stream 1 and 2 and the associated dependence on Russia,” Morawiecki claimed.
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