Parents outraged over new sex-ed curriculum — Analysis

California’s new textbooks show children that there are 9 genders, and more than 10 sexual orientations in the school district.
Fox News reported Wednesday that a California school district has been teaching its children about the existence of over ten different sexual orientations. Parent outraged at the teachings. “sexualizing our kids and normalizing sexual behaviour” at a young age.
The Newport-Mesa school district in Orange County has introduced new textbooks called ‘Comprehensive Health Skills for High School’, which suggest there are nine different gender identities: Agender, androgynous, bigender, cisgender, gender-nonconforming, gender fluid, gender questioning, nonbinary, and transgender.
It also identifies over 10 different sexual and ‘romantic’ orientations, which include androsexual, skoliosexual, demisexual, gynesexual, polysexual, and asexual, as well as heteroromantic, gyneromantic, homoromantic, androromantic, and skolioromantic.
The school district was previously reported to have used ‘the genderbread man’ in sex education classes to instruct middle and high school students on gender. The ‘Genderbread Identity’ man is part of the ‘Teen Talk’ sex-ed curriculum purchased by the Newport-Mesa Unified School District, which is also taught to thousands of students in California.

Teen Talk covers topics related to gender identity and includes instructional videos. “what it’s like to be trans in high school,”In which teens share their thoughts on transitioning. The program’s textbooks also provide examples of student profiles which include their names, sexual orientation, and gender identity, and encourage kids to create their own.
Parents have voiced their dismay at these new teachings. “sexualizing our kids and normalizing sexual behaviour”According to Alicia Beget (a district mother who spoke with Fox News), she was only a teenager.
“This is part of a larger agenda that those at the very top are well aware of what they’re doing,”Beget.
Fox News reached out to the school district and they replied that they are following the guidelines. “state-adopted standards for health education, which includes sexual health,”Uses a state approved health curriculum.
They went on to suggest that parents can opt their children out of comprehensive sex education and that they have the ability to review the curriculum taught in the district’s schools.
“We understand that there are varying viewpoints and beliefs and we follow California State Standards for curriculum, while also supporting parent choice,”According to the school district.
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