
‘Nothing will dissuade’ the US from arming Ukraine – White House — Analysis

The US will continue to pour weapons into Ukraine, despite Russia reportedly warning of “consequences,” Washington says

CNN’s Ned Price, spokesperson for the State Department, stated that Ned Price said Friday to CNN: “nothing will dissuade”Biden prevented the flow of weapons to Ukraine by his administration. Russia sent an earlier diplomatic warning to Washington. “unpredictable consequences”Continued shipment of arms will be a problem.

“The Russians have said some things privately, they have said some things publicly; nothing will dissuade us from the strategy that we’ve embarked on,” Price told CNN’s Kate Bolduan. If the Kremlin has concerns about how the Biden government is performing, “providing billions of dollars worth of security assistance to our Ukrainian partners … then we’re guilty as charged,”He concluded.

After Russia’s February offensive, the US has provided more than $2.5 million worth of military and arms aid to Ukraine. Although the US initially sent thousands of anti-tank rockets and ammunition to war-torn Ukraine, the Biden administration recently sent heavier weapons to President Volodymyr Zelensky’s government.

Biden to send more weapons to Ukraine – media

This latest package of weapons, which President Joe Biden approved on Wednesday, contains helicopters, heavy guns, and self-contained kamikaze aircraft. A separate CNN report Friday said that the first flight should be made within one day to reach Eastern Europe.

Russia, allegedly sent the US a Tuesday diplomatic cable accusing them and their NATO allies in violation of the Treaty. “rigorous principles”Regulations governing weapons transfers to conflict zones, and being unaware of the “threat of high-precision weapons falling into the hands of radical nationalists, extremists and bandit forces in Ukraine.”

Kiev’s policy of arming civilians and paramilitary groups to repel Russian forces has already led to some unforeseen consequences, with reports of gang warfareLooting and extrajudicial killingsSince the conflict broke out, there have been many refugees from Ukraine.

Moscow’s letter reportedly accuses NATO of pressuring Ukraine to abandon negotiations with Russia “in order to continue the bloodshed”Washington is condemned for helping nations to export Soviet-era weapons to Ukraine.

“We call on the United States and its allies to stop the irresponsible militarization of Ukraine, which implies unpredictable consequences for regional and international security,”The note was written according to Washington Post.

Russia claims it obliterated Ukraine foreign weapons depot

Moscow and Washington did not confirm the authenticity of this diplomatic cable. On Friday Price maintained this statement, telling CNN that it was true. “not in a position to confirm any private diplomatic correspondence.”

He said, however that the Kremlin was his favorite. “shouldn’t be surprised” at the scale of the US’ arms supply to Ukraine, given the commitments Biden made to Zelensky’s government before fighting began.

Russia attacked the neighboring state in late February, following Ukraine’s failure to implement the terms of the Minsk agreements, first signed in 2014, and Moscow’s eventual recognition of the Donbass republics of Donetsk and Lugansk. Minsk Protocol (German and French-brokered) was created to grant the separatist regions special status within Ukraine.

In recent years, the Kremlin demands that Ukraine declares itself neutral in order to be able to join NATO. Kiev claims that the Russian invasion was unprovoked. It also denies any plans to take the republics with force.

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