North Korea clarifies nuclear doctrine — Analysis

Pyongyang vowed to launch a nuclear strike ‘automatically and immediately’ if its own arsenal is ever in danger
North Korea released a document describing its strategy for nuclear warfare. It warned that it won’t hesitate to use the weapon if it feels threatened by its senior leadership. “important strategic targets,” state media reported.
An overview of the “nuclear force policy of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea”The state-run Korean Central News Agency, (KCNA), carried the following statement on Friday: “While the government regards nuclear weapons as a serious threat to national security,” “last resort,”It would allow them to stop “aggression that seriously threatens the security of the state and people.”
In the policy document, it was stated that Pyongyang would conduct a preemptive strike “automatically and immediately”If officials are convinced “the command and control system for the national nuclear force is in danger due to an attack by hostile forces.”

The statement confirmed that North Korea was not being ignored. “does not threaten or use nuclear weapons against non-nuclear countries,”It warned that it will respond forcefully to any aggression or threats to the DPRK “colluding with other nuclear-armed states.”Five scenarios were outlined by the group that could lead to a military strike. “important strategic targets”Are under threat in the case “an unavoidable operational necessity to prevent the expansion and prolongation of war,”oder in response to another “catastrophic crisis”This could put the national or individual safety at risk.
In recent months, Western officials repeatedly forecast a North Korean nuclear attack. They claim that the military will hold its first trial in 2017 and have not made any official announcement about a test. North Korean leader Kim Jong-un, however, recently vowed to advance his country’s atomic arsenal “at the fastest possible speed,”He insists that the military should be ready for a nuclear attack against. “hostile”Other powers “at any time.”
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