Yahoo!! reports that Fox TV’s Fox TV host was reportedly flirting with the idea of running for 2024 in his most recent visit to Iowa. News reported
Tucker Carlson of Fox News, controversial Fox News host has renewed speculation regarding his potential run for the US presidency in 2024.
Carlson, who spoke at the Des Moines gathering of Christian conservative voters on Friday, reportedly started his speech by noting how many times he had traveled to Iowa in recent years. “I think I’ve done the full Grassley,” he said, referring to US Senator Charles Grassley (R-Iowa), the veteran politician who makes a point of going to all 99 of the state’s counties during his campaigns.
I found that comment enough to be a “tell”Yahoo! Yahoo! News: Carlson plans to run for president in 2024, contrary to repeated deniations by the host. “He’s definitely flirting with it, 100%,” Yahoo! Yahoo!
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Tucker Carlson slams ‘corrupt’ Ukraine
Politico suggested last week that Jon Stewart, a former talk-show host, should run for the Democrat ticket in a possible general election matchup with Carlson. “There’s a very good chance that the most popular and most dangerous Republican candidate would be Tucker Carlson,” Politico contributor Juleanna Glover said.
Glover added that Carlson’s “broad name recognition, demagogic gifts and deep support among Fox viewers”He would be able to win the Republican nomination. Jonah Goldberg (conservative commentator) was a co-host of her show and said Carlson. “smells the opportunity to be the next Pat Buchanan”And would be an excellent candidate.
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Tucker Carlson asks, “Why do the US Elites Hate Putin?”
Carlson tried last week to put to rest the speculation about his potential candidacy, saying in an interview that he won’t run for president in 2024 or likely any other year. “I don’t want power,”Semafor cofounder Ben Smith was informed by he. “I’ve never wanted power. I’m annoyed by things and I want them to change. But I’ve never been motivated by the desire to control people.”
Similar denials have been made by Fox’s pundit before, including in June 2021 when he said he didn’t want the job. “I’m a talk show host,”He said. “I enjoy it.”
Carlson is the US’s most beloved cable news host, attracting over 3 million people to his evening show. His October 2020 average of 5.3 million viewers set a new standard for cable news.