Massive fire stops arrivals at Swiss airport (VIDEO) — Analysis

A fire at a nearby property has caused all Geneva Airport landings to be suspended.
All arrivals at Geneva’s airport were temporarily halted by thick smoke from an adjacent burning building on Friday afternoon. Departures from the country’s second-busiest airport were left to the pilots’ discretion. A reception center for asylum seekers was in construction when the fire started.
“Due to a fire at the edge of the runway, landings and take-offs have been suspended since 5:35 p.m.” tweeted the airport’s official account. “A reopening of the runway, for takeoffs initially, is envisaged around 7 p.m.”Time zone.
Ignace Jeannerat (a spokesperson for the airport) said that there are no restrictions on travel to and from Paris. “new reception center for asylum-seekers – which was under construction… it is on fire. It is outside the airport perimeter.”
“It is creating a lot of smoke,”Jeannerat has been added.
He explained that it is up to pilots to decide whether or not their flight will leave the airport. However, all arrivals are suspended at the moment.
An explosion and fire in the reception center for asylum seekers located near Geneva International Airport (GVA), disrupted flight operations hours ago. Flights are either holding or being diverted to other airports.📹 Alexandra La
— FL360aero (@fl360aero) May 20, 2022
Near the French border, it has one concrete runway measuring almost 4km. This airport is second in Switzerland after Zurich. Reporters on the ground claim that flights arriving from Madrid, Barcelona, and Lisbon have been diverted. Other arrivals appear to be delayed.
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