
Maduro denounces EU ‘spies’ & ‘enemies’ — Analysis

Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro branded European Union (EU) observers at the country’s recent local and regional elections as “enemies” and “spies” who were out to “stain” its “impeccable, beautiful” electoral process.

Maduro declared the claim during Sunday’s televised broadcast. “delegation of spies”The country had received assistance from the EU “enemies”But “found not a bit of evidence to criticize the electoral system.”He was talking about the November 21 election for governorships or mayoral positions, in which the ruling party won the largest number of races.

They looked to stain the electoral process and they couldn’t. A delegation of spies – they weren’t observers – wandered freely around the country, spying on the country’s social, economic and political life.

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Although the EU monitoring mission has not responded to Maduro’s remarks, it had stated last week that the elections were held under better conditions than previous ones. The observers voiced concerns over a “lack of adherence to the rule of law,”Candidates being barred for administrative reasons. This causes delays at the voting centres and can lead to voter fraud. “extended use of state resources in the campaign.”

According to Reuters, the mission’s head, Isabel Santos, had told reporters last week that “some laws affected the equality of conditions, the balance and the transparency of the elections.”

The EU mission – the first one in 15 years to monitor the county’s elections – included 1,000 observers who examined voting in 22 out of the 23 elections that saw opposition politicians contest positions for the first time since 2017. It is anticipated that the mission will present an extensive report in early 2019.

Some quarters viewed the presence of EU observers as lending legitimacy and credibility to the process. Maduro previously stated that the EU observers are performing their duties. “very well,”But senior officials of the ruling party compared them to “peepers”And accused them of having brought a prewritten report to country.



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