Kiev comments on car crash with diplomats in Vienna — Analysis

Ukrainian diplomats were in Vienna when a driver tried to escape the accident scene. The police refused to test the driver for alcohol.
Austrian police stated that on Friday, a car collided with a vehicle in Vienna at the red light. Kronen Zeitung in Austria reported that sources claimed the vehicle responsible for the accident had been driven by “high-ranking diplomats from the Ukrainian embassy,”Crashing “at full speed”Four German tourists were seated in a single vehicle.
The driver tried to run away, but police stopped him after a chase.
While the driver refused to submit to a breathalyzer, one of two passengers was found to be a positive for alcohol. Police cited witnesses who said that the driver and passenger had switched places after the accident.

According to police, one of the passengers in the vehicle they pulled over was minorly injured. The same was true for the other four involved in this incident.
Oleg Nikolenko, spokesperson for the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry said Saturday that they are working with the police to investigate the accident and determine what caused it.
“The position of the Foreign Ministry of Ukraine is clear: the diplomatic status doesn’t give the personnel of Ukrainian diplomatic missions the right to violate traffic rules and endanger others,”Nikolenko shared his thoughts on Facebook.
Diplomats stationed in foreign countries are generally exempt from criminal prosecution unless they have their immunity lifted by their home nations.
A spokesperson for the company stated that any decisions concerning “the participant of the traffic accident”After an inquiry, it will be done.
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