Keeping Employees Engaged and Productive

The world is in a stage of turmoil and it is all due to the turmoil caused by COVID. Such is the irony that the world has come to a distinct halt. Be it any industry it has borne the brunt of these uncertain times. During this difficult time, an organization makes a host of sweeping changes, and it has to be stated that work from home has generated a lot of response. It is fair to say that the nature of work has undergone a change and people have taken a liking towards it. But there are numerous changes that have come to the fore when you work from home. The virtual hackathon provides an apt opportunity on how to cope up with this situation.
Engagement levels are low
When you are working from home, the current scenario does take a toll on the employees who are remotely based. Once an employee is away from work for a prolonged period of time they end up losing interest in the jobs. When there is a lack of engagement at the workplace it reduces the motivation levels of the employees.
Learning Slump
On a typical day, an employee has to face numerous challenges when they need to be working overtime. Once the employee keeps a track of the day to day challenges any issues in problem-solving is a part of the learning curve. But you ought to keep in mind that learning might take a backseat in situations people are not going to come in tune with the problems that they face daily.
Functional collaboration at a difficult level
The collaboration among the various departments does have an impact once you work in teams. Any problem that arises can be addressed by a person in communication and it gets side-lined in a quick way. How to reach out to various teams and once you are working towards a common goal poses to be a challenge since all the team members are not available.
Creativity issues
Once an individual does not have a proper environment to learn and grow productivity is hampered. In a remote office work set- up all these deficiencies can be solved. An individual is in a position to obtain constructive feedback and the work might emerge that could be inferior in stature. It goes on to have an impact on the creativity levels whereby the work productivity of the employees takes a beating.
Internal hackathon and its benefits
At this point in time, the creative levels are low and hence there is a need for motivating employees to keep up the pace of work. Virtual hackathons are a viable measure to keep this energy flowing. The best part is that they go on to provide innovative solutions to boost up employee morale levels.
Enhances productivity and efficiency
One of the main issues with an internal hackathon is to resolve problems within a day or two. It means that all the participants need to focus their energy in getting the work done in the shortest time frame possible. The ability to detect bugs, development of a business strategy does go on to increase the remote work productivity. At another angle, an organization has multiple licenses in order to deal with critical issues. This means that the employees are engaged and connected to the work.
Fosters collaboration and team building
When you are in a hackathon an individual has to work in a team. The goal of a team is to accomplish a task in the shortest time frame possible. All individuals who work towards a common goal do fulfil a common purpose. In order to accomplish this task, an employee does not hesitate to reach out to the cross-team members and this is even if they belong to the other job functions. Otherwise, it would have been hampered in the current work from home situation.
Encourages creativity and innovation
Once an employee is passionate about what they are working they explore new horizons. When the world is making a move towards the gig model, the need of the hour is to keep the workforce challenged. The process of the hackathon is going to shorten the process of innovation whereby it generates business solutions quickly. An employee is able to address an issue to the best of their abilities whereby developing their creative side.
The remote hackathon is one of the practical ways where learning opportunities to the workforce is provided. It showcases the fact on how the employee can be part of a training program for gig workers. It is possible for an employee to be tweaking their business problem in such a way so that they can enhance their existing skill or are in a position to upgrade a new skill. So once the work emerges, an employee needs to upgrade their skills as per changing times.
In order to solve the complex business problems, participants need to be aware of the right software or coding language. This might even help them to reduce the errors or be it any type of technical glitches. For this reason, hackathon addresses the diverse needs of the workforce.
The smooth conduct of internal hackathons
With HR technologies looming around, the smooth conduct of an internal hackathon is a hassle-free procedure. There is no need for the HR department to get in touch with the team for the project updates. The presence of a virtual interface is a one-stop solution for all the concerns of your employees.
An initial page of hackathon starts off with the launch of an event page. It contains all the relevant details along with necessary information that encourages an employee to participate. In the midst of this, the employees are provided with a list of multiple assessments where you go on to specify the perimeters of evaluation.
For the employees to be participating on the landing page they need to register themselves and formation of teams is necessary. It is a stage by stage process where a lot of combinations come into play.