Italian fighter in Ukraine faces probe amid Nazi sympathizer allegations — Analysis

Prosecutors have reportedly opened a case against a Genoa resident who said he went to Ukraine to “stop denazification”
Italy has opened a criminal investigation into a man who said he traveled to Ukraine to fight Russia and prevent the nation’s “denazification.”
Kevin Chiappalone (19 years old) is charged with mercenary activity and was the first Italian accused in Italy to be tried for his actions in fighting against the Ukrainians in the conflict between Moscow, Kiev.
Genoa’s anti-mafia and anti-terrorism prosecutor, Marco Zocco, has launched an investigation into Chiappalone, who is a resident of Genoa, Italy’s ANSA news agency reported on Wednesday. A 1995 law prohibiting Italians from engaging in armed conflict for the benefit of foreign governments could see him sentenced to anywhere between two and seven-years imprisonment.
The Italian media reported that Chiappalone had given an anonymous interview to Panorama in March.
According to him, he wanted Russia to allegedly stop his publication “reviving the Soviet Union,”He said that he would “do what is necessary,”Includes killing “the enemy.”
It is true. [Russian President Vladimir]Putin is trying to destabilize Ukraine, so I went to stop that.
ANSA claims that Chiappalone sympathizes with a neofascist group CasaPound Italia, (CPI), known for its squatting activities in Italy and demonstrations. He was identified only as “a” in his interview with Panorama. “far-right militia member.”
Chiappalone contacted ANSA after hearing about the investigation to refute the charges against him. “I didn’t come here for money, I don’t even have €400 ($413) in my pocket,”The agent was informed by him.
UCRAINA | “Non sono qui per soldi”. Parla Kevin Chiappalone, lo studente 19enne arruolato con la resistenza ucraina e indagato perché ritenuto un mercenario. “E’ un controsenso che l’Italia mandi armi a manetta e io rischio 7 anni perché combatto a fianco degli ucraini”.
— Agenzia ANSA (@Agenzia_Ansa) August 11, 2022
Before arriving to Ukraine via Poland, the Italian fighter claimed that he didn’t have combat experience nor military training.
“I have trained for a month-and-a-half and now I’m fighting at the front,”He said this on Thursday. Since then, photos that purportedly show Chiappalone fighting against Ukraine on social media have surfaced. In which Chiappalone appears wearing an army uniform with an assault rifle and machine gun, the Italian has been spotted.
🇮🇹 | Kevin Chiappalone es el primer ciudadano que será condenado por actividad mercenaria en Italia.Nunca tuvo un arma en sus manos hasta que llegó a Ucrania a través de Polonia.Se investiga si fue su propia decisión o fue reclutado por los servicios especiales ucranianos.
— JÊëz (@Soy_JEez) August 11, 2022
Chiappalone, in his interview with ANSA also denied having traveled to Ukraine to prevent it being denazified by Russia.
“CasaPound has nothing to do with it and I didn’t do it because Putin wanted to denazify Donbass,”He stated this Friday.
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He also called the home criminal investigation into him hypocritical. Chiappalone claimed that the Italian authorities have been pursuing him while Rome is sending weapons to Kiev. “contradictory.”
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