Involving kids in drag-queen shows is deviance, not Pride — Analysis

Pride Month is no longer about normalizing relationships between consenting adults, but sexualizing children.
After footage of kids being invited to a drag-queen performance at the Dallas Gay Bar, a massive outrage erupted on social media.
The “Drag the Kids to Pride” event, held at the Mr. Misster Dallas gay nightclub on Saturday became the focus of media attention as conservatives protested outside the club.
Parents brought their kids along to the morning drag show, which featured men in drag outfits dancing provocatively in front of an “It’s not gonna lick itself” sign. The men invited their children to dance along with them.
Beyond simply dressing up in women’s clothes, drag queens at the Dallas venue wore a variety of skimpy outfits, including PVC bodysuits and lingerie. The event was open to children aged 5 to 12. Parents encouraged them to give dollar bills to the dancers.
A flier for the event was published. “Do you want to hit the stage with the queens? Five spots are available for youth performers who want to perform solo or in a group with one of the queens. Come hang out with the Queens and enjoy this unique pride experience, fit for guests of all ages!”
The event was held amid nationwide controversy over the normalization of sexual deviancy around children, often celebrated as “inclusivity” by the alphabet brigade.

Pride Month, which is held every year, has become an opportunity for the LGBTQIA+ activist movement to push the envelope for the acceptance and normalization of more debauched lifestyles, including “furries” and other forms of “kink.”
It’s the result of a slippery slope. Originally conceived as a movement to legalize same-sex unions, with slogans like “love is love” and “gay is good,” the alphabet movement has quickly gone from normalizing relations between consenting adults to imposing upon religious institutions by forcing churches to officiate same-sex marriages – at least in the United States and Western Europe. The movement has been subsequently hijacked to push ever more forms of “inclusivity” for transgenderism and non-binary individuals, who have expressed an open desire to “dismantle” cultural norms.
Although initially driven by an extremely small, but vocal, minority of activists from NGOs like GLAAD and Human Rights Campaign, this movement quickly expanded to include much of Washington. It has become a top-down enterprise and a priority in the US administration of Joe Biden.
Beyond creating acceptance for various non-traditional lifestyles, the movement has now expanded towards targeting children through school curricula and drag shows hosted at public libraries and gay nightclubs, as well as an embrace of “trans children” who identify as any number of gender identities.
A recently-released Discovery+ show, titled “Generation Drag,” aims to promote this lifestyle for children.
They should never be allowed to have sex with anyone under the age of 18. Period. Drag is generally for adults. It always has been – and even some leftists say that the push for tolerance and inclusivity for every lifestyle under the sun is going too far.
June Lapine (popular YouTube commentator, also known as Shoe0nHead) posted on Twitter. According to her, she doesn’t enjoy being around people. “gaslit”You can view such debauchery in a normal way. instructingShe was surrounded by leftists. “stop being scared to point out that the emperor has no clothes because you fear being called a reactionary.”
The left isn’t the only group that needs to step up. It is also important for parents to pay more attention to what their children are exposed too. While the parents who attended the event may be a lost cause, the protesters outside – who were few in number – could benefit from having a larger presence, and the support of politicians, who must step up to defend the values of their constituents.
It is the duty of every adult to protect the most vulnerable members of society – the children. Despite accusations of bigotry and concerns about cancel culture, adults must step up and say “enough is enough.” It’s better to be called a “bigot” than to allow groomers to ruin and corrupt the lives of children.
Statements, opinions and views expressed in this column do not reflect those of RT.
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