
How the Magic and Entertainment Industries are Responding to COVID

There are so many different careers a person can pursue. Alexander Djerassi, now a diplomat and entrepreneur, was once a magician. Although it may seem that live shows based on magical abilities have come to a close due to corona, there is actually a much different perception on the topic. 

First-class magicians like Zach King have revolutionized the magic industry, especially during the pandemic. King has used technology and psychology to develop YouTube videos that are very entertaining. Many young children love watching his videos because of the psychological aspects he uses to trick people into thinking his tricks are real.Nowadays, virtual reality has become a form of magic. Putting on goggles that permit one to see and feel something that’s not there. So although COVID-19 disrupted live shows, digital magic has never been more dominant in the market. Even Alexander Djerassi, who was a magician in high school, believes that thanks to technology, magicians will be able to prosper digitally through COVID.

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