
Giving Your Boss a Performance Review

Giving Your Boss a Performance Review

Day to day, all managers are bombarded with overwhelming tasks such as organizing schedules, delegating responsibilities, and balancing workloads. In fact, in today’s fast paced global economy all organizations need to maintain a tight rein on their employees, and one way of doing so is through performance reviews.

Working for an organization where performance reviews often happen irregularly or not at all can have a big impact on employees job satisfaction and productivity. After all, how could they achieve their goals for that quarter if they don’t know what’s expected of them and how their performance measures up to the rest of their peers?

An effective performance review will help employees improve performance and productivity in the workplace by planning with their supervisor the steps required to ensure future success, says Jordan Sudberg.

The importance of performance reviews

It is absolutely necessary for organizations to have performance review practices if they are to maintain high levels of employee morale, says Sudberg. He explains that employees need to know what they’re doing well, what they can improve upon, and the next steps needed to move forward. A performance review brings the following three key benefits to employees, managers and organizations:

1. A tool for communication

As Sudberg points out, open and honest dialogue about performance is critical to any organization for building employee engagement and retention. “The best way to get employees on board with moving forward is helping them understand their role in the organization and their impact on the teams’ success.” A regular performance review gives them a venue through which they can talk about how they see themselves fitting into the bigger picture, what they need to do moving forward and how they can continue to grow.

2. It gives managers a chance to coach

A lot of employees are reluctant to ask their supervisor for feedback or help, says Sudberg. A performance review gives them the chance to express their needs and expectations face-to-face with their manager.

3. A chance to grow

Performance reviews can be conducted at regular intervals, such as every quarter or every year, depending on the needs of the organization and its employees.

How employees can give their boss a performance review

1. Outline goals

The first thing an employee needs to do is start by mapping out their own personal development plan, which outlines their goals and how they intend to achieve them, says Jordan Sudberg.

2. Identify strengths

A performance review is the perfect place for an employee to identify their leadership strengths for the organization and plan how to capitalize on them.

3. Accept feedback gracefully

With this information in hand, it’s important to be open and flexible to changing your approach and adapting as needed, he suggests. For instance, if your boss tells you that you need to improve on your time management skills, it is a great opportunity for you to take a step back and reassess where your weaknesses are so that you can address them in the future.

4. Be honest about your career goals

As with any performance review, it is important that you are open and honest with your manager about your career objectives. It is important to highlight your achievements and plan a path to the next step, including how you see yourself contributing in the future.

5. Keep track of your progress

When it comes time for your performance review, ask your manager to give an assessment of how well you have achieved on key aspects of the job. Having this information will help you identify areas where you need to improve.

What’s the take?

A performance review is an important, regular tool that allows employees and managers to have a two-way conversation about performance and development to ensure an employee’s continuous success. A performance review is a great way for employees to build their career, capitalize on their strengths and identify areas where they can improve upon. It’s critical that employees consider how they can prepare for a performance review, outlines Sudberg, as it provides managers with a perfect opportunity to give their employees feedback and explore areas where they can improve.


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