Germans facing ‘really terrible Christmas’ — Analysis
Germany’s Disease Control Agency, the Robert Koch Institute has warned of a “really horrible Christmas” if there are not steps taken to reduce the huge increase in Covid-19-related cases.
Lothar Wieler (director of Robert Koch Institute) reiterated Thursday his support for strict new countermeasures against the spread of Covid-19.
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“We’re heading towards a severe emergency right now,”Wieler said, “Additionally,” We are headed for a terrible Christmas if there is no action taken now.He said that there are not enough beds in hospitals.
Wieler calls for further vaccine increase, from the 67% currently being taken to over 75%.
Director of the disease institute believes that bars and nightclubs should temporarily be closed while public areas would remain open to unvaccinated.
As German leaders contemplate new regulations to replace the epidemic rules nationwide, his comments are timely. They could also consider a lockdown on the unvaccinated as a result of Austrian measures.
The country’s advisory board for vaccines, STIKO recommended Thursday that all people over 18 years old receive booster shots to combat waning immunity.
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