From the makers of the Great Reset, here comes the ‘Great Narrative’ — RT World News
The Davos-based World Economic Forum is kicking off its “Great Narrative” initiative with a meeting in Dubai. It will be headlined by WEF chair Klaus Schwab, the mastermind behind the “Great Reset.”
Schwab will open the event on Thursday with the United Arab Emirates’ Minister of Cabinet Affairs Mohammad Abdullah Al-Gergawi, followed by four other UAE officials and a journalist discussing their vision of the gulf state’s future.
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According to the WEF the Great Narrative initiative, is “collaborative effort of the world’s leading thinkers to fashion longer-term perspectives and co-create a narrative that can help guide the creation of a more resilient, inclusive and sustainable vision for our collective future.”
It is expected that the project will involve “top thinkers”Multiple disciplines “including futurists, scientists and philosophers,”The book will be published January 2022.
Schwab was a global celebrity during the Covid-19 epidemic. Schwab argued for an internationalized approach to solving problems, including climate change. “Great Reset.”
“The pandemic represents a rare but narrow window of opportunity to reflect, reimagine, and reset our world,”In early 2020, he made this famous statement.
Since the WEF believes in narratives’ value, they published a guest blog in 2015. “in the battle for hearts and minds of human beings, narrative will consistently outperform data in its ability to influence human thinking and motivate human action.”
Bruce Wydick (economist at University of San Francisco), said that a compelling story has a higher chance of influencing policy or behavior change than stats and impact evaluations.
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