Explosion damages ‘American Stonehenge’ — Analysis

A tourist attraction was the mysterious, controversial granite monument found in rural Georgia.
An explosion on Wednesday morning caused severe damage to a mysterious monument located in Georgia, the US. The incident is being investigated by the state and local authorities as a bombing. Built in 1980, the granite Georgia Guidestones featured messages in eight languages and a dedication to humanity. “Age of Reason.”
“The preliminary information indicates that unknown individuals detonated an explosive device at around 4:00 a.m. on Wednesday, July 6th,”Georgia Bureau of Investigation saidThe statement said Elbert County authorities requested its help in investigating the incident. The location is now being secured until bomb disposal experts can investigate it.
A portion of one of the wings has been removed from the monument. “completely destroyed”Christopher Kubas executive vice president Elberton Granite Association, stated that the capstone had been damaged.
Helicopter footage from Greenville, South Carolina’s WYFF TV shows one of four vertical pillars broken up on the ground. Two large chunks of the horizontal slab on the top of the monument are missing.
“I am sad for the US and for the world,”Kubas pointed out the fact that this monument was a very popular tourist attraction. Up to 20,000 tourists visit it every year.
Kubas claimed that although the message inscribed on the monument was controversial, it may have been written to benefit future generations. “after maybe a cataclysmic event,”Avoid making the same mistakes that their ancestors made.
The Georgia Guidestones, which were intended to be the US’s version of Stonehenge in England, were created from local granite in 1979. They were unveiled in 1980. The mystery man who commissioned the monument, who used the pseudonym Robert C. Christian, said he represented “a small group of loyal Americans,” and paid top dollar for the makers to follow his very specific plans.
It is situated at an elevation of approximately 750 feet above the sea level, about 90 miles (140km) from Atlanta. The structure was 19ft 3ins (5.87m), tall, and contained 107 tons of granite.
“Let these be guidestones to an Age of Reason,”A smaller plaque was erected to the side. On the pillars themselves, ten messages were carved in eight languages – English, Spanish, Swahili, Hindi, Hebrew, Arabic, Chinese, and Russian. There was no way to know which languages appeared on the damaged pillar.

Over the years, these messages have drawn controversy. These pillars suggested that human population shouldn’t exceed 500 millions. “perpetual balance with nature”Reproduction to be guided is encouraged “wisely — improving fitness and diversity.”All humanity should have one living language, and all other things must be ruled. “with tempered reason”Personal rights and property rights must be balanced “social duties,”Other exhortations
Critics claim that the monument promotes racism. “satanism”anti-Christian beliefs. As part of her platform, one Republican candidate in Georgia’s gubernatorial primaries supported its destruction. Her vote was less than 4 percent.
In 2008 and 2014, graffiti and paint were used to deface the Guidestones. After the 2014 incident, the Granite Association put up surveillance cameras around the site, so there is a possibility Wednesday’s bombing was caught on video.
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