Davos elites to rub shoulders with shamans — Analysis
Despite ‘House of Psychedelics’ expo offering meditation, breathwork and “ecstatic dance,” organizers say there won’t be any drugs
Business and political leaders meeting at the World Economic Forum’s Davos gathering this month will explore the opportunities for personal and business growth in psychedelic drugs, Bloomberg reported. The psychedelic showcase is a sign of the growing interest in still-illegal substances among the architects of ‘The Great Reset.’
When world leaders and their colleagues in the business and nonprofit sectors arrive in Davos, Switzerland, next weekend, the agenda is typical of the World Economic Forum’s annual meetings. Visitors will discuss their shared interest in eliminating fossil fuels, reshaping the world’s economy, and eroding the boundaries between nations.
However, they’ll also get a chance to stop at the ‘House of Psychedelics’ along the Davos promenade and “inquire about how they might be able to use psychedelics,”Bloomberg spoke with Marik Hazan who is the director of Tabula Rasa Ventures which provides a platform for startups that support psychedelic-related companies.
The ‘House of Psychedelics’ will host debates and discussions on the ethical use of psychedelic drugs, their potential health benefits, and on opportunities for profit. The event is sponsored by Maya Health (a data platform) and Irwin Naturals (a vitamin and supplements company).
As a profit-making exercise, the event isn’t on the WEF’s official agenda. One participant self-described it however. “shaman”Bloomberg was told by the person who said that she plans to go. “important to educate politicians about what heals,”She said that the event will help to bring psychedelic drugs into mainstream consciousness.
Yet political leaders won’t get a chance to smoke DMT or gorge themselves on magic mushrooms. Yet, they are offering “experiential and immersive experiences” like meditation, breathwork and ecstatic dance, a spokeswoman for Tabula Rasa’s parent company told Bloomberg that “there will be absolutely no drugs on site.”
The growing market for psychedelic drugs is a troubled one. Although studies have shown that these drugs can be used to treat depression, PTSD, and other mood disorders in some cases, many of them are still illegal around the globe. With the law blocking business, the Advisorshares Psychedelics ETF – a Wall Street fund backed by investment titan BlackRock Capital that invests in pharmaceutical firms researching these drugs – lost more than half of its value this year.
Klaus Schwab pushing Critical Race Theory
The World Economic Forum was a well-known name in the wake of the coronavirus epidemic. It sought to unite world leaders to address Covid-19. It also attracted controversy for some of its policy proposals – laid out by Chairman Klaus Schwab in his book ‘Covid-19: The Great Reset,’ which include digitization of the global monetary system, an “urgent”Transition away from fossil energy, to permanent rental economies, and to global digital ID. Critics have accused Schwab’s organization of attempting to usher in a single world government.
Yet the ‘House of Psychedelics’ won’t be the first time the Davos set have dabbled in drugs. Attendees in 2020 could visit an Israeli-led ‘Cannabis House’ to learn about the lucrative profits and environmental benefits in the hemp trade, and in 2019 attendees were treated to a half-hour lecture (on the official agenda) about the ‘New Science of Psychedelics’ and their potential medicinal benefits.
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