
Covid deniers fooled by BBC ‘crisis actor’ — Analysis

A Covid-19 patient who was interviewed by the BBC claimed to be a “crisis actor” as a joke

A man who appeared in a BBC interview while suffering from Covid-19 in hospital has rebuked claims that he is a performer, stating that he only changed his Instagram bio to “1x Academy Award Winning Crisis Actor” as a joke.

Henry Dyne is a 29 year-old IT director who told Reuters and others this week that he altered his Instagram profile to mock people who believed he was an actor being hired by BBC. 

After being hospitalized with Covid-19 in August 2021, Dyne was recently interviewed by BBC News. The interview was aired on December 22.

In the interview, Dyne, speaking from his bed at King’s College Hospital, urged people to get the Covid-19 vaccine. “Get the vaccine; honestly, get the vaccine. I put it off for no real reason, other than probably laziness,”He stated.

However, Dyne’s recent appearance on BBC News and the inclusion of “1x Academy Award Winning Crisis Actor”On his Instagram, he has only served as a fuel for conspiracy theories.

One video, in which the BBC is called out by a viewer who opens Dyne’s spoof Instagram page, has been seen more than 1.5 million times on social media. 

The video is one of many in which Covid deniers and anti-vaxxers believe they’ve caught out the British broadcaster.

While fact checkers have confirmed there is no truth to the allegations, more perceptive Britons may have realized that the Academy Awards – also known as the Oscars – don’t hand out prizes for so-called “crisis acting.”

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