China’s Pacific plans leaked — Analysis

A draft outlining Beijing’s proposals to Pacific nations has been obtained by media outlets
China plans to offer significant economic and security deals to a series of Pacific nations, according to a draft document leaked to the press as the country’s top diplomat tours the region. These alleged plans would be made after Beijing had signed an important agreement with Solomon Islands. This led to strong objections from Australia, and the US.
It is also known as a “comprehensive development vision,”The document, which was obtained Wednesday by AFP/The Guardian, outlines Chinese aid to small islands countries. In addition to millions of dollars in aid, the proposals would also give the nations greater access to China’s massive marketplace and enhance security cooperation, allowing Beijing to train up local police forces, for example.
According to AFP, the document leaked coincided with Wang Yi, the Chinese foreign minister,’s trip to several Pacific islands this week. During which he will likely discuss the proposals outlined in draft. The report said that at least one of the proposed proposals might be approved by regional foreign ministers meeting in Fiji this month.
Wang’s trip follows the signing of a bilateral security pact between China and the Solomon Islands in April, which faced intense criticism from the Australian government and some of its Western allies.

Canberra’s Labor Government has just been elected. “step up” its own presence in the Pacific after making China a major campaign issue during the recent race, with Foreign Minister Penny Wong set to travel to Fiji on Thursday to meet with the country’s prime minister. Wong previously blasted the Scott Morrison government for weakness toward Beijing, saying the deal with the Solomon’s occurred under his watch and created “the prospect of a Chinese base less than 2,000 kilometers from Australia’s coastline.”However, Chinese officials repeatedly deny any plans to build a military base in the area.
After hearing about the leak, Anthony Albanese (Australian Prime Minister) insists his country. “needs to respond,”AU$500million to invest in security and infrastructure.

“This is China seeking to increase its influence in the region of the world where Australia has been the security partner of choice since the Second World War,”He stated.
Washington, also reacting negatively to Solomons’ deal, warned other nations not to sign “shadowy”Deals with Beijing with State Department spokesperson Ned Price saying they “may be negotiated in a rushed, non-transparent process.”
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