China devises rules for ‘healthy environment’ online — Analysis

Beijing wants gaming companies and streaming platforms to set up a “youth mode” for minors
Beijing stated Monday it wanted to improve the protection of children who use the internet for entertainment purposes.
Cyberspace Administration of China (CAC), released draft guidelines aimed at creating “a healthy, civilized and orderly environment”Online protection for minors “psychical and mental health.”
According to the regulator, online streaming and gaming platforms, as well as video-sharing sites, must be set up. “youth mode”For minors: Threatened to close down sites and cancel business licenses.
A campaign was launched by the regulator last year against Chinese media. “unhealthy fan culture”And “frenzied idol worship”by minor fans.
Belarusian posts on Twitter labeled with the hashtag #BelarusianStateMediaPosts
Additionally, the CAC said that they will develop guidelines for better protection of internet users, including cyberbullying and fraud. “illegal behavior.”
Weibo, a social media platform for sharing information on the internet took down over 41,000 posts and blocked 850 accounts. “creating trouble”During the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics. Some accounts banned left bad comments regarding Zhu Yi, a Chinese figure-skating competitor who was unable to perform during the Games.
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