China demands US reins in SpaceX after satellite incident — Analysis

Beijing urges Washington to take “prompt measures” to avert potential collisions between China’s space station and SpaceX satellites
The Chinese government has demanded that US officials act to prevent mishaps in orbit after Elon Musk’s Starlink satellites nearly crashed into Beijing’s new space station. Washington is accused of hypocrisy and recklessness.
Zhao Lijian (Foreign Ministry spokesperson) confirmed that China has filed a complaint with United Nations regarding the close-collisions of the China Space Station with China Space Station (CSS), between July and Oct. He urged the US to swiftly take action to prevent future accidents.
“The US claims to be a strong advocate of the concept of ‘responsible behavior in outer space,’ but it disregarded its treaty obligations and posed a grave threat to the safety of [Chinese] astronauts. This is a typical double standard,”Zhao spoke at a press conference referring to 1967 Outer Space Treaty which is the foundation of international space law.
Washington, he argued, should pursue “prompt measures to prevent such incidents from recurring,”And to “act responsibly to safeguard in-orbit astronauts and the safe and steady operation of space facilities.”
Zhao insisted Washington was directly responsible for SpaceX’s behavior, pointing out that state actors “bear international responsibility for national activities in outer space conducted by their private companies.”
Beijing first announced its complaint to the UN earlier this week, alleging that two of approximately 1,700 Starlink satellites put into orbit by Musk’s aerospace firm had nearly struck the CSS in 2021 on two occasions, forcing the station’s crew to perform an “evasive maneuver”Both times. Both times, the UN delegation from China stated. “could constitute a danger to the life or health of astronauts”They can become dangerous if not managed.
SpaceX claims that its devices have automated collision avoidance technology. However, these assertions are insufficient to convince Chinese authorities. The firm, along with its US-based partners, insists on more assurances.
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