
Canada blacklists ‘Freedom Convoy’ crypto wallets — Analysis

Anti-vaccine demonstrators are threatened with having their Bitcoin donations cut by authorities

The authorities in Canada have told cryptocurrency exchanges to cease transactions with addresses they said were linked to the ongoing ‘Freedom Convoy’ by the anti-vaccine mandate truckers.

On Wednesday morning, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police’s (RCMP), order circulated on social media. Local media claimed that it was authentic. Many major Canadian crypto exchanges have also confirmed that they received the necessary guidance as well as the list from law enforcement.  

The total number of electronic wallets blacklisted includes 29 Bitcoin addresses as well as several other cryptocurrency addresses like Ethereum, Litecoin and others.

According to reports, the order stated that “any information about a transaction or proposed transaction in respect of these address(es), is to be disclosed immediately to the Commissioner of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police.”

‘Cyberterrorist’ boasts about hacking Freedom Convoy fundraiser

The convoy’s backers have donated 21 BTC, worth approximately $1,000,000 dollars.  

After GoFundMe, a popular crowdfunding platform blocked protestors in February 2018, the Canadian government frozen $8 million of online donations to stop them from continuing to rally.

The demonstrations started in Canada in late January in protest against Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s demand for unvaccinated truckers to quarantine after coming back to Canada from the US.

The protestors escalated rapidly, blocking roads and border crossings across Canada including the capital of Ottawa. The demands of the demonstrators also broadened as they began calling for the lifting of all other Covid-19 curbs and Trudeau’s resignation.

The Freedom Convoy is given an ultimatum

On Monday, the protests were deemed illegal under Canada’s Emergencies Act, which had been invoked by the PM for the first time since the law was passed in 1988. This gave Canadian law enforcement authority to crack down on the convoy. 

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