BLM leader accused of scamming donors — Analysis

Black Lives Matter Boston founder Monica Cannon Grant and Clark Grant were arrested on Tuesday for defrauding their donors. On Tuesday’s 18-page federal indictment, it was revealed that Clark Grant and Monica Cannon-Grant stole money from donors to their non-profit. “large sum”Out of more than $1 million in grants, donations and other support for Violence in Boston.
Cannon Grant was granted her freedom on her own account and she will continue to work for the charity twice weekly. But, Cannon Grant cannot handle the funds of the group, whose purpose is to aid survivors of violence.
Grant was detained last October. His wife has been charged with lying on a mortgage loan statement and fraudulent donors. He also faces illegally receiving $100,000 in Covid-19 unemployment benefit benefits.
Although the amount that was stolen is not revealed by the prosecutor, there are two charges of wire fraud conspiracy.

According to reports, the couple used $6,000 to finance a trip for at-risk young men. “exposure to communities outside of the violence-riddled neighborhoods that they navigate daily”For their own use, they ate out at Bubba Gump Shrimp Co. & Shake Shack. They also got their nails done, and went on a Wal-Mart shop spree. Cannon-Grant also lied to the IRS and state attorney general’s office, claiming she had received no salary from the nonprofit even as she was cashing in to the tune of $2,788 per week starting in October 2020.
The BLM leader in Boston has been known for many years. However, in July 2020 she made headlines when she accused a political foe of being her enemy. “riding white penises”Cannon-Grant unleashed a bizarre outburst. Cannon-Grant, a Democrat Ayanna pressley candidate, attacked Rayla Campbell as a race traitor because she had married a white man.
Campbell called Cannon-Grant’s charges “Cannon-Grant” “a good day for justice,”Her rival accused her of adopting a move meant to “bring about meaningful change”And perverting them into “the politics of personal destruction and hatred.”

Cannon Grant isn’t the only Black Lives Matter leader to be found with her hands in the cookie jar. A Georgia BLM activist was arrested last march on suspicion of fraud. He allegedly stole hundreds of thousands of dollars of donors from his Black Lives Matter of Greater Atlanta page. This even though he had previously left the group. Instead of paying the money back to the organization, the activist used the funds to purchase luxury goods and tickets.
Patrice Cullors, the “trained Marxist” who co-founded the Black Lives Matter Global Network Foundation, quit the group last May after it emerged that she had spent millions of dollars on real estate, even while she claimed never to have taken a salary. Cullors claimed that her resignation was unrelated to the disclosure of her wealth. “time was right”For her, to be focused on a TV and book deal.
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