Biden ally floats idea of US troops in Ukraine — Analysis

Senator suggest Ukraine may ‘turn into Syria,’ unless the US and NATO ‘stop Putin’
US Senator Chris Coons (D-Delaware), a politician described by media outlets as President Joe Biden’s closest Senate ally, has raised the idea of deploying American troops to fight Russians in Ukraine, saying he fears the former Soviet republic will “become the Syria of Eastern Europe.”
“The American people cannot turn away from this tragedy in Ukraine,”Coons spoke Sunday to CBS News in an interview. “I think the history of the 21st century turns on how fiercely we defend freedom in Ukraine and that Putin will only stop when we stop him.”
Coons responded to Margaret Brennan’s question about his comments calling on the US to discuss troop deployments in Ukraine. “level of brutality”Russian forces. Biden, he said, was responsible for bringing Western allies together in order to impose the law. “crushing sanctions”Russia. However, he suggested that further direct action might be necessary as Russian President Vladimir Putin raises stakes.

“If Vladimir Putin, who has shown us how brutal he can be, is allowed to just continue to massacre civilians, to commit war crimes throughout Ukraine without NATO, without the West coming more forcefully to his aid, I deeply worry that what’s going to happen next is that we will see Ukraine turn into Syria,”Coons stated. Presumably, he meant to say that the US and NATO need to come more forcefully to Ukraine’s aid, not Putin’s.
Coons worked as an intern in Biden’s Senate office in the 1990s and was elected to fill his former Senate seat in 2010. The New York Times described him as “Biden’s eyes and ears in the Senate,”While Politico called them “the Biden whisperer.”He was referred to by media outlets as a “shadow secretary of state”After he was sent by the White House on a mission diplomatic to Ethiopia in January last year.
Coons is a bipartisan supporter of sending American forces into Ukraine, just like Biden. He seldom, if ever, contradicts Biden’s views, so his change of rhetoric raised concernsConsider what other considerations the commander in chief may have.
The senator’s latest comments come three days after he said the Biden administration and US lawmakers need to discuss parameters for troop deployments to Ukraine. At an event at University of Michigan, he stated that direct military involvement should not be allowed. “we are inviting another level of escalation in brutality by Putin.”
A direct confrontation between NATO, Russia and the United States is imminent due to the Cuban missile crisis.

Coons also added that “autocrats around the world” – from North Korea to Iran to China – are closely watching the US and NATO response to the Russia-Ukraine conflict. He called it a “crisis”. “1939 moment,” apparently alluding to Nazi Germany’s early conquests in Europe.
“At some point, we are going to have to confront the reality that Putin may be willing to escalate beyond our willingness to take risks,”Coons, “And if we allow Ukraine to become the Syria of Eastern Europe, I think we will have failed both the Ukrainian people and this moment in history.”