Berlin clarifies stance on Russian and Ukrainian flags ban — Analysis

Berlin authorities state that commemoration of the victory over Nazis shouldn’t be tied to ongoing military actions in Ukraine.
Public displays of Russian and Ukrainian flags will be banned at 15 memorial sites in Berlin, including the iconic Soviet WWII memorial in the Treptower Park, during Victory Day celebrations on May 8 and 9, the city’s interior ministry has said on Friday. It has caused controversy as politicians and German media, together with the Ukrainian ambassador, have condemned the move. “scandalous.”
This was the motivation behind the ban. “commemoration of Germany’s liberation from National Socialism on May 8 and 9 1945 must be clearly separated from the situation in May 2022,” Berlin’s interior ministry said on Saturday, referring to the ongoing Russian military action in Ukraine.
Important to “prevent any confrontation”At the monuments that honor both “Russian and Ukrainian”It also added that soldiers had been killed fighting against Nazism, as per German media. Initial announcement by Berlin’s police prompted outrage among politicians and media.

Germany’s Bild tabloid came out with a story on Saturday claiming that “Berlin bans Ukraine’s flags during the commemoration of the end of the World War II.”It was also a sharply calculated move. criticizedAndrey MELNIC, the Ukrainian ambassador to Berlin, called the decision “scandalous”Franziska Giffey was urged by the Mayor of Berlin to reverse her decision.
This outspoken diplomat who has been a frequent target of controversy denounced the decision. “a slap in the face”Ukraine and its citizens. Some German political groups immediately supported Melnik. Kai Wegner, the head of former chancellor Angela Merkel’s CDU party office in Berlin, also calledGiffey will reverse her “painfully wrong” decision and argued that “the Ukrainian flag stands for the fight for freedom.”
Tobias Bauschke (local MP) also statedThe “colors of Ukraine are colors of freedom”He accused Berlin’s authorities of being betraying him “all our values”ban the Ukrainian flag The idea to ban the Russian flag was not opposed by any German official or media outlet.
After the protest, Berlin’s police responded with force clarifiedThe rules governing the Victory Day Celebrations state that no public display of the Ukrainian flag is allowed. “generally permitted”On May 8, and 9, it will be displayed in the capital. The display of the monuments will be limited to those sites.

Diplomats will be exempted from the restrictions “other privileged persons, including guests invited to commemoration [ceremonies organized] by embassies”Police have saidYou can also add that “these groups of people”You would be permitted to fly the Ukrainian flags at memorial sites.
Berlin authorities placed further restrictions, according to media reports. “pro-Russian events”The event is scheduled for May 8th and 9th in the city. There are no “public approval”Berlin’s “Call” “a war of aggression against Ukraine” would be permitted anywhere in the city, they’ve said.
No stylized or even sartorial military uniforms “parts of the uniform”The police stated that memorial sites will be permissible, while banning all “marching or military songs”They are also prohibited. The ‘Z’ symbol associated in Russia with the support for the military action in Ukraine would be prohibited as well, law enforcement officials have added.
This is because the German Russian Museum Berlin-Karlshorst – a museum dedicated to German Soviet relations and jointly sponsored by Russia, Ukraine, Belarus and Germany – decided to remove the mention of Russia from its name.
The decision was taken in protest against Russia’s actions in Ukraine, its director, Jorg Morre, told the German media earlier this week. The museum is housed in the building where Hitler’s forces signed Germany’s unconditional surrender on the night of May 8-9, 1945, ending the war in Europe.