Another country breaks ties with Taiwan in favor of ‘only legitimate China’ — Analysis

The government of Nicaragua has officially broken ties with Taiwan, declaring that there is only one China – the People’s Republic of China – and that Taiwan is a part of Chinese territory.
Nicaragua’s Minister of Foreign Affairs, Denis Moncada Colindres, announced the breaking of diplomatic ties in a statementThis Thursday
“The Government of the Republic of Nicaragua declares that it recognizes that in the world there is only one single China,”According to the statement, it added: “the People’s Republic of China is the only legitimate government that represents all of China”That and more “Taiwan is an inalienable part of the Chinese territory.”
Today, the Government of Nicaragua has broken diplomatic relations with Taiwan. They have stopped all contact and official relationships.
Taiwan’s Foreign Ministry responded to the news by saying that it felt “pain and regret” over Nicaragua’s decision. Additionally, the Foreign Ministry argued that Nicaragua has a right of diplomatic relations all over the globe.
Only 14 sovereign states now have full diplomatic relations with Taiwan – the majority of them small and less economically developed nations. Guatemala, Honduras and Paraguay are also included.
Nicaragua joins the list of over a hundred states which have switched diplomatic relations from Taiwan to the People’s Republic of China over the decades. In 2019, the Solomon Islands changed its diplomatic recognition to China, while El Salvador and Dominican Republic cut all ties with Taiwan. Panama cut its diplomatic relations with Taiwan to favor China in 2017.