
7 Helpful Ideas for Treating Insomnia in Adults

Insomnia is a condition that affects the daily lives of many people around the world. Characterized as a sleep disorder where a patient experiences difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep, it’s no wonder why this condition is so detrimental to those who suffer from it. Fortunately, we’re going to share seven of our best ideas for helping to treat adult insomnia.

1- Create a Calming Nighttime Routine

It’s very common for adults who suffer from insomnia to have a neglected nighttime routine. Going to bed at different times, doing different things before bed, and so forth can all impact your ability to get quality sleep at night. Do yourself a favor and create a bedtime routine. This could be reading for 30 minutes before brushing your teeth and lying down in bed. Just this simple routine practiced at the same time every night can lead to better sleep.

2- Get Rid of the Electronics

Playing games on your phone, working on your iPad, or even watching television can all impact your ability to fall and stay asleep. It’s best to get rid of these electronics at least 30 minutes before you plan on falling asleep. This gives your mind time to slow down and prepare itself to rest.

3- Cognitive Behavior Therapy

If you’ve been suffering from insomnia for quite a while, you may want to consider enlisting the help of a therapist. Cognitive behavior therapy for insomnia, known as CBT-I, is all about identifying behaviors and thoughts that are contributing to your insomnia. Then, your therapist will help you to replace these unfavorable behaviors and thoughts with new ones.

4- Daily Exercise

The physical activity that exercise provides help to enhance your health and reduce stress levels. Getting exercise early in the day is a great way to help combat stress that is common later in the day. When your stress levels are lowered, you may find it easier to fall asleep at night, as there are no racing thoughts in your mind.

5- Enhancing Sleep Conditions

Some simple switches to your sleeping environment can make a big difference in your life. Setting the temperature in your bedroom to around 60 to 67 degrees is a great way to allow your body to relax and fall asleep. Get rid of any artificial lighting and consider using sound-blocking curtains to keep your room nice and quiet.

6- Get Rid of Late-Night Caffeine and Alcohol Use

Far too often, the idea of a nightcap is one that doesn’t hold true for good sleep at night. In fact, drinking alcohol before bed has been shown to provide disruptive and light sleep quality. When it comes to caffeine, it’s best to avoid consumption for at least five hours before you plan on going to bed.

7- Try Over-the-Counter Sleep Aids

If you’re really struggling with your insomnia, you may be looking for a quick fix until you’re restored enough to attack the problem from a more natural angle. Over-the-counter sleep aids can be beneficial in helping you fall asleep at night. Many contain melatonin, the body’s natural sleep hormone.



Alex is the co-author of 100 Greatest Plays, 100 Greatest Cricketers, 100 Greatest Films and 100 Greatest Moments. He has written for a wide variety of publications including The Observer, The Sunday Times, The Daily Mail, The Guardian and The Telegraph.

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