With current events, there is often a lot of bad news or concerning information to take in. This can be overwhelming for some people, especially the overly sensitive or those who suffer from anxiety. If you find yourself needing to take breaks from social media or from watching the news so as to avoid current events, you are definitely not alone. Look no further if you need some tips. Here are 4 ways to distract yourself from current events.
Read A Book
Reading is a great way to distract yourself from just about anything because a good book – especially a fiction one – has the ability to transport you to another world. This can help take your mind off of anything going on in your own life or in the world as a whole.
Fix Up Your Home
If you look hard enough, you will likely be able to find things to fix up around your home, and a fun little home project can be a wonderful distraction if you are in need of one. This could be anything from replacing your bathtub stopper to refurbishing an old piece of furniture, organizing a closet, or painting an accent wall.
Making your home a more enjoyable place to be is never a waste of time and can boost your mood when you need it most.
Spend Time In Nature
Sometimes in order to disconnect from reality, you need to reconnect with the world around you. This can be done by going on hikes, going camping, or even just going for a swim in a lake. Spending time in nature is one of the very best ways to forget about the stressors of everyday life and ignore the way current events are making you feel.
So go ahead, plan a camping trip or go on a peaceful walk in the woods. You will find yourself feeling so much better afterward.
Play With Your Kids Or Pets
If you have children or pets, spending time with them can be a great way to help yourself avoid thinking about whatever it is that is going on in the world around you currently. Often this will help to remind you what life is really all about and can help you shift your perspective and get rid of negative thoughts.
If you feel like you have been reading too much bad news lately or have gotten in one too many arguments with a stranger on social media, speeding some silly time playing with your kids or pets is probably exactly what you need.
Staying informed when it comes to current events is a good thing, but everyone needs a break at times! Use these ideas to help distract yourself as needed.